Chapter 7

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"You were so cute." "Quiet." He smiles. "How are you feeling?" "A little sore but otherwise okay." "I could get you some pain meds?" "Oh, I can't take them with my meds. It's okay." He nods.

"Rachel, have you ever looked into your interests in BDSM?" "Yes." "Would you be interested in exploring things?" "If you are." He smiles. "Definitely. I'm really dominant so tell me if I get too much."

"It works well that I am extremely submissive." He smiles. "I don't want this whole thing to be sexual. I have strong romantic feelings for you and I don't want to get hurt by thinking this relationship is anything more than sexual."

He smiles. "Of course not. I have feelings for you as well. Contrary to common belief, I have to grow pretty strong feelings to make moves on people that aren't meant to be playful." "Jack, out of curiosity, how many people have you had sex with before?" "Uh, I was a virgin as well, I just watched a lot of porn."

"Oh." He gives me a light smile. "Even my band doesn't know that." "Well I have to say, it's pretty big for you to lose it." He blushes. "Shush." There is a knock at the door. "If you guys are done, we need to get going."

I blush. Jack helps me up. We get dressed, it looks like Jack got us both showered last night. We leave the room and Alex is smiling like an idiot.

He goes to say something. "Fuck off if you are going to tease us." "Out of curiosity, were you each other's first time?" I blush and Jack nods. "Aww!"

We go back to the bus and I look at the med dispenser the hospital gave me. I take out today's pills, separating the two Ativan pills for later as well as the extra anti-nausea pill. I feel arms surround me from behind and a very light panic rushes through me. "Um, please don't touch me from behind without warning."

"I'm sorry. You looked sad." "I just wish I didn't have to take so many meds." "It's only for such a small time that you have to take these meds." I open my mouth to reply and then realize Alex is next to me.

"Rachel, please don't think like that. You are so much younger than the rest of us, you could get through this." I sigh. "I'm just scared. I didn't ask where else it spread to, I don't want to know. It could've spread to my pancreas which would mean that it has a high mortality rate."

Jack holds me. "Let's not think about that." He brings me back to his bunk. "No sex on the bus." "Wasn't planning on it." He helps me up. "Have you ever taken a BDSM test?" "Um, yeah."

I blush. "What did you have over 75%?" "Um, sub, rope bunny, masochist, um, and I think brat was pretty close." He smiles. "I had the opposites to those pretty high up. Experimentalist was up there as well." "There aren't many things that I won't try, but there was enough that it was sitting at about 60%."

"Like what?" "Golden showers, uh, things involving fire, having sex in front of people." He nods. "Do you have a fear of fire?" I nod. "Have for years. It's gotten bad enough that smoke sometimes will trigger panic attacks, fire alarms make me panic, and I have a minor fear of lightning for the fear it will start a fire. I won't use gas stoves because I hate seeing the flame."

He nods. "You like pain?" "Yeah, it's one of the biggest things that turns me on when writing scenes or reading them. I feel uncomfortable watching porn."

He looks curious. "So you don't like being touched from behind without warning, if we were trying something like sensory deprivation how would that work?" "I would just want you to give my hand a light squeeze or something so I know it's you."

"What is that from?" I shrug. "A mix of things make it seem like I suffered from abuse but I don't remember anything more than getting the door slammed in my face or one small incident after I began finding those fears." He looks a little concerned.

"What small incident?" "Wendy had pinned me against the fridge and was holding my wrist. She was mad at me, I don't remember what about, and she didn't immediately let go when I told her it hurt."

He nods. "Is the yelling a no?" "I think so. I would be open to try something with it, but I would need you to be prepared for me to panic." He nods. "We have another hotel tonight, want to try things?" I smile. "Definitely, just remember that the chemo is going to mean that I bruise easier or I might bleed for longer. I have makeup to cover bruises if I need to, but I don't want you to feel guilty if you see that I'm bruising."

He nods. The show goes by tonight and soon enough, Jack and I are in the hotel room. "I'm going to do nothing that would cause you to bleed, but I have some sex toys. I was-" "You don't have to tell me what you are going to do. I'll tell you if something makes me uncomfortable."

"Safe word?" "Um, dog." He smiles. "Okay." He strips me of my t-shirt and bra quickly. "Blindfold?" "Okay, just extra reminders that it's you if you haven't touched me in a while."

I feel him tie it on. "Are you good?" "Yep." He ties my wrists to the head of the bed. I feel him take off my clothes and I feel something lightly trail my ass.

I feel a sudden pain and I moan. "Does that feel good?" "Fuck, yes." There is a few more in rapid succession. "Oh fuck." Another heavy one comes and I can't control the very loud moan.

He laughs. It continues for a while and I get more and more turned on. "As for stretching-" "Anything larger than two fingers." He pauses. "It's not my dick, slow or fast in?" "Fast."

I feel the sudden pressure of an object. It begins vibrating and I moan. "Oh fuck, Jack." He uses the toy for a while longer.

"Are you good with sex still?" "Please." "Stretching?" "A little. You could start at two fingers and proceed from there." He takes the vibrator out and I whine. He takes the blindfold off and I see him above me.

I lay there, making a few snide comments about him taking too long. "Are you ready?" I nod. "Hard, please." He smiles and slams into me. I let out a moan, mix of pleasure and pain. It is quickly filled with all pleasure as he slams in and out of me.

I cum very shortly before he pulls out. I begin to come back to. "Hey, how are you feeling?" "Happy." He smiles. "And a little tired." He brushes back my hair. "I'll take care of you, go to sleep if you need or want to." I let him carry me to the bathroom and he washes me down, washing my hair as well.

He blow dries my hair and then brings me back to the bed. He lays me down on my stomach and I feel some cool, soothing cream be placed on my ass.

"Could I give you a massage?" "If you want to." I feel him begin rubbing my back. I begin getting really tired. "Jack, thank you for everything." "No problem." I end up falling asleep before he finishes.

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