Felix to the rescue

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He saw Adrien trying to force Marinette. A gir.! They both had been raised to be proper gentle men, but what Adrien was doing was exactly the Opposite.

ADRIEN: Marinette, please. Lila's lies don't hurt anyone so please. Just be casual.

MARINETTE: I WON'T- She tried to expel me. AND STILL you are trying to convince me that her lies don't hurt anyone.

Adrien grabs Marinette's wrist and holds it firmly. *Marinette tries to pull it away but Adrien just won't let go.*

MARINETTE: LEAVE go of my hand Adrien.*She tries to pull it again but fails.*

ADRIEN: No. Not until you promise me that you won't try to be casual. Marinette please, IF you don't promise I will tell everyone that you got rejected by me.

Adrien tries to force Marinette by pulling her closer and grabbing her other wrist, but Felix pulls Adrien's hand off. Adrien had grabbed Marinette's wrist so hard that it made red marks all around.

FELIX: Cousin, how can you explain this?. You are literally blackmailing a girl. I say, you go back to the classroom and apologize to Marian.

MARINETTE: My name is Marinette!

FELIX:Y es, Marinette.Whatever.

Felix glares at his cousin his eyes full of scorn and disbelief. Adrien turned away from him and ran away. Felix turned to Marinette.

FELIX: I'm sorry about my cousin, he gets a bit aggressive at times you know?

MARINETTE: I understand. And, anyways thank you for uh..Saving me from Adrien. 

FELIX: Stop thanking people for minor issues. Anyone would've done that.

Saying this he walked away. Marinette looked at the boy with admiration.

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