A Pink Rose

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I watched as he slowly stepped from the car, black skinny jeans and a thin white top hugged his figure. 

Ethan Young, the boy I had been madly in love with my whole life. We knew each other, sometimes I would say too well, others days not enough. It really just depended on mood.

I slowly walked over to him, child hood memories flashing through my mind. We both used to love going bug catching, but one day Ethan got a little bit excited and decided to force worms and ants down my throat. How I forgave him for that I never knew, but I did know that I had gotten my revenge. When I was younger, my house backed onto a lake, we always used to go down there and catch tadpoles. Yes, I used the tadpoles. He had been drinking a small glass of watered down coke, because at that age we weren’t allowed it too often. When he wasn’t looking I slipped the tadpoles in. Then ran. About a minute later he came after me screaming insults, stupid kiddy ones. Being even more mature than him I did the exact same thing. The chasing continued for who knows how long, till I fell over. He then tried to carry me back. I think I just ended up getting more damaged.

‘Ethan!’ I called, quickening my pace. A smile spread on my face just at the sight of him. This year I was going to do it. This year I was going to say I liked him. Maybe even confess that I love him. Who knows? He turned to me,

‘Hey, Lana,’ this made me smile even more, and I had to keep myself from flinging my self into his arms. He had spiked his hair up today; making his blue-green eyes stand out more. High cheekbones, cupids bow mouth, slightly tanned skin. The shirt he wore barely hid the obvious muscle underneath, ‘What’s up?’ 

‘Oh! Nothing much, lets walk,’ I replied, and started stepping away; he stood, shock radiating off him. I turned back,

‘Come on!’ I cried, then reached out and grabbed his hand tugging him along. As soon as our hands touched my face warmed a blush spreading, tingles spread up my arm. I entered the main building; I’d always been hands on with him, but after realizing my feelings, I’d refused to touch him. We were like brother and sister. I stopped that; it was too awkward for me. He seemed oblivious of my feelings, which made it even worse. Whenever I saw him I became a blushing fumbling mess, never being confident. But today was going to be different; today I would  tell him.

A few people stared, but others just rolled their eyes. Some yelled out to Ethan and he just called out a curt reply. I finally reached my locker, and I sadly let go of his hand,

‘Stay,’ I ordered, and he just chuckled, ‘You going to Sean’s party?’ I asked as he slowly leaned back on the neighboring lockers. Arms crossed, showing even more muscle, and I had to catch myself before he realized I was staring. I turned back to my locker and started pulling out books filling my arms quickly,

‘Maybe, thinking of skipping,’ I almost dropped the books. No, he was not going to miss out. If he did all my plans would go to waste,

‘You’re not skipping,’ I hissed, and turned to him frowning. I wouldn’t allow it,

‘Why’d it matter to you if I did or not?’ He asked no anger peppering his tone, only simple curiosity. I froze, and shook my head,

‘Because I would be alone,’ I whispered, the words had a double meaning but he wouldn’t pick up on both.

‘You know plenty of people,’ He chuckled, and I smiled now,

‘I’m shy!’

‘Lana….’ He sighed but continued, ‘Fine I’ll go,’ He murmured and I almost kissed him.

‘Yes!’ I pushed all the books in my hand into his, and looked up at him, blinking my lashes. ‘Please?’

‘No,’ He pushed them back at me,

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