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Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Beta-reader: Unholy Light

Bold - Right Head.

Natural - the Middle head.

Italics - Thoughts/Telepath dialogues/ flashbacks/ Left head


Defiler, Torturer, Grand Illusion. His name had much meaning, but none fit him, for his name was nothing but a mockery of his stature.

Little shit.

Yes, in his race, language, that name was quite literal. Unlike his brethren, he was the runt of his race, the smallest and weakest. Known for their immense power, he only wielded illusion.

Then they came to his dimension. Monster X watched his entire race become extinct, slaughtered and consumed like cattle.

Instead of fear, hatred, he felt joy, envy, admiration, and respect. He envied this mighty creature nay GOD! That was the only thing that can fit with such a presence. Even that word can barely describe the overwhelming power.

Then, as he was about to be devoured, the deity stopped. Was he worthless that not even a God would dare consume him?

Yet, this God shattered that belief.

Do you wish for power?

YES! He wanted power, power to prove his worth to this God. HIS GOD! He wanted to serve this mighty being with all his heart. So that one day he'll be consumed and be one with Monster X.

Countless battles, his power rose, and thus the once mockery of his entire existence became a foreboding warning to the stars.


Notrambas howled in pain as his opponent punched and clawed his body. The chimera grabbed him before throwing him to a building.

He groaned, but this pain was nothing, a tendril wrapped around his prey's leg. The intruder dragged his opponent around. One of its heads unleashed an attack similar to its master.

Notrambas moved away. He was not arrogant enough to take hits like the rest of his master's servants.

Gestroyah charged at full speed, tackling the enemy and smashes him to the ground. Not wasting time, bone claws erupted around his arms.

Notrambas screamed in agony as the chimera gutted him. Not giving up, he unleashed his minions to distract the enemy.

Gestroyah unleashed a powerful nuclear pulse, reducing the pulsing flesh or ash. For a finishing blow, the chimera then tore his opponent in half.

Gestroyah POV

Ning glared at the body. That was too easy. X wouldn't send a weakling, would he? It just didn't fit with him that X would send something this weak.

"LOOK OUT!" Odin yelled, taking control of the body.

Ning yelped as a spiked tendril missed his throats. They turned to where it came and saw Notrambas on the far right, uninjured.

Ning growled in annoyance. Thousands of ideas and simulations ran through his mind.

This creature is capable of mind-control, maybe it has an illusion. All were troublesome to fight. How can you fight something that your eyes can't see?

Monarch POV

Everyone cheered as they watched humanity's doom dominate the fight. But it turned into terror when it revealed its ability.

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