An old enemy

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Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.


Once Kong heard the call, he wasn't pleased with what he heard; however, the worrying part was that he could sense that Exelcus' had stirred up the local kaiju's of Hollow Earth to answer his call for war.

He had to find his weapon, and fast.

Ymir growled a bit in irritation. He was a follower of the Sheperd; there was no way he would ever answer the call of some bygone era. Moreover, his cousin's life was on the line and he refused to be involved with Excelsus' desire to rid Griesus' bloodline.

Actually, the Yeti's and Kong's bloodlines were distant relatives, while the Yeti's were more introverted kaiju's who preferred solitude and peace. The majority held the potential to become an alpha but never bothered to. And why should they? They already have land and enough food. They're already strong enough and satisfied with what they have. There was simply no point in claiming to be an alpha. For the Yetis, they saw it as a waste of time when they could just enjoy the food and sleep.

The best way to describe the Yetis is that they are incarnations of the phrase 'gentle giants'. Most of the time, they were chill and willing to ignore the majority of the outside world. Though there were cases of hoomans somehow seeing them, they have the art of standing still to the point where the human mind always mistook them for mountains. Sadly, some of their subspecies were caught, like the one they call Bigfoot.

What a silly name, though it did cause his friend issues, often asking all kaiju if his foot was even that big. It got to a point where he was concerned if he was too big for any of the females of his species to find it attractive.

It was a good thing the shepherd was able to put his heart at ease. The poor fellow was too down to even find food when the sheperd found him.

Ymir turned to look at Kong. Why were they still here? They have the axe; the war on the surface world was important and staying here longer would jeopardize the reason they came here in the first place. "Cousin, what is it that you seek? You already have an axe," the yeti inquired, confusion written all over him.

Kong turned to his cousin; there was no look of wonder or anything the yeti expected to see but purpose and confusion. The titanic ape then replied, "Cousin, the axe may be the tool I need but... something is calling out to me; I can feel it; my ancestor has hidden something on this throne. Help me find it."

Ymir nodded his head and started looking for anything strange. Even though he had no idea what it was, if Kong said there was something in here, then he would trust him.

Meanwhile, the two ships that were following Kong had landed and Apex was busy following the trail for the energy source needed to power Mechagodzilla, while Monarch was busy cataloging whatever they could see.

Jia and Spear were more worried about the surface world and what was happening. While Slenra and Sparx were too distracted to observe the kaijus above them, the mutated T-rex was curious if they would be good for the island as sentries for any foreign invaders of her home.

Sparx rested on top of the mutated rex's nose. Her wings had grown tired from flying for hours. In fact, this was the farthest she had ever flown without rest. Turning to her friend or princess, she spotted a look of interest. An interest that always spoke of bad news in the sense that the princess was up to something stupid. Why, oh, why did the princess pick up the king's habit of stupidity? It was beyond her. For goodness sake, she saw one of them (Cody) trying to eat a mountain under the notion that it would make their breath attack stronger and she saw it once. What sort of reason was that!? What sort of creature even eats rocks!? SOLID ROCKS! "I know what you are thinking, my lady. Don't do it," Sparx warned with a glare.

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