You Get Clingy

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-Veronica Sawyer
-Martha Dunnstock
-Heather Chandler
-Heather Duke
-Heather McNamara

Veronica Sawyer
I greeted Veronica with a kiss as Chandler scoffed, "She follows you around like a lost dog." The other Heathers laughed as Veronica rolled her eyes, not taking what they say to heart.

"Ready to go to lunch?" Veronica asked and I nodded, smiling.

I grabbed her hand and dragged her away from the Heathers. Veronica was too embarrassed to look at me when I grabbed her hand. She was open with me about how her past relationship wasn't very affectionate. She just wasn't used to it, but she loved it.

"Do you want to eat outside today?"

"I would love to."

Veronica and I sat by the football field for lunch, I leaned my head against her shoulder as we ate.

"Ronnie, I forgot!" Veronica looked at me confused as I sifted through my backpack before landing her a small box, "I made you this." I smiled.

Veronica's eyes lit up as she took the box from me, "T-Thank you." She opened the box and it was a cupcake.

"It's chocolate."

"My favorite." Veronica softly mumbled, not being able to hide her smile.

I guess JD never cared to remember much about Ronnie.

Martha Dunnstock
I sat down next to Martha at lunch and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek which left her a blushing mess, "Hi, Martha." I said with a smile.

"H-Hi, (Y/n)." She responded, her hand reaching up to feel the place on her cheek where I kissed, "P-PDA.." She whispered to herself.

"Did you not like it?" I sadly asked.

"No, n-not at all! I l-loved it! It just surprised me."

"Y-You loved it?"

"Y-Yes!" Martha reassured me.

I couldn't help but smile, "That's good because I want to show everyone how much I love you, Martha!"

Martha's face darkened, "(Y-Y/n), that's e-embarrassing.."

I laughed at Martha's embarrassed expression, "Do you not want to kiss me?" I teased and Martha couldn't even stutter out a response, "Because I would love to kiss you right now." I continued to tease her. She's too cute.

Heather Chandler
I rushed out of class, shoving through everyone to make my way towards Chandler. I was quick to greet her with a hug.

"Desperate much?" Duke laughed and Chandler shot her a glare.

"Apologize, Duke."

"But, it's true, Heath-"

"Duke." Heather warned, her tone harsh.

"Sorry." Duke mumbled.

Chandler turned her attention towards me again, "Don't mind Duke, she's jealous that she doesn't have such a cute girlfriend." Chandler gently tilted my chin up to meet her gaze, "Such a cute girlfriend." She repeated as she glanced down at my lips.

"I'm on Duke's side this time, get a room!" Veronica said and Duke smiled at her.

"You three go ahead to lunch." Chandler commanded, not even looking at the two Heathers and Veronica. The three did as she said and walked off, "Want to skip school?" Heather excitedly asked me.

"Of course."

Heather Duke
"Duke!" I excitedly called out, rushing over to her and almost tackling her in a hug.

"(Y/n), you oaf!" Duke scolded, "You almost knocked me over." Duke gently pushed me off of her, flattening out her skirt.

"I'm sorry, Duke, I was just excited to see you." I sheepishly responded.

A faint blush made it's way onto Duke's cheeks, "I-It's okay."

"Can we eat lunch together today? Just the two of us?"

"I would have to ask Hea-"

"Please, Duke!" I begged, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, I'll just text Heather and tell her. Why are you so eager to spend time with me today?"

"I just missed you! I wish we had more classes together."

The blush on Heather's face darkened as she simply grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers, "I-I missed you too."

Heather McNamara
"HEATHER!" I called out as I rushed out of school to meet up with her.

"(Y/n)!" McNamara's eyes lit up when she saw me, almost squealing from excitement which earned her a groan from Duke and an eye roll from Chandler.

I rushed over to McNamara, "Do you want to hangout today?"

"Yes! I would love to!"

"Um, Heather, you seem to be forgetting that we have a party tonight." Chandler reminded, her tone harsh.

"Oh, but, Heather, please! I really want to hangout with (Y/n) today!" McNamara gave Chandler her best puppy dog eyes, she looked like she was about to cry if Chandler said no.

"Ugh, fine!" Chandler gestured at Veronica and Duke to follow her, which they did.

"This is going to be so fun!" I grinned and so did McNamara.

"It is! I'm so happy you're so excited to see me today." Heather said with a blush.

"I'm excited to see you everyday." I truthfully said causing Heather's smile to get even bigger.

"This means we can go shopping or we could go to the beach or the movies or to the arcade or to the pool or to that new diner or-"

"Heather, that's too many things." I half jokingly pointed out.

"You're right," McNamara sheepishly responded, "I just want to do everything with you!"

"I want that too! We should have date nights every week and go to new places." I suggested.

McNamara jumped up and down from excitement, "Yes, yes, yes! That would be so much fun."

"For today, we can go to the mall." I held out my hand for McNamara and she took it as we walked to her car.

"I'm so excited you like me." McNamara admitted.

"I feel the same way." I responded, leaning over to give Heather a quick kiss.

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