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I cried for a whole week. Tears wouldn't stop flowing. Mom allowed me to skip school on Friday but at the evening she appeared from her shift and kneeled next to my bed.

"Baby, you need to go to school tomorrow. Okay?"

"Do I have to?"

"Please? You know we can't afford you to loose this scholarship"

Ah right, money.

".... Fine." I said quietly and she left my room because she knew I prefer to be alone when I'm in a mood like that.

Why did the situation with my father put me in that state? Because of that stupid hopes I had without realizing it.

What did I think would happened? What I was thinking in that empty head of mine? That I will find someone who will take care of me? Keep me safe? How childish, how stupid.

I don't want to get up, move, live on.

But I have to.

For mom and myself.


At the school corridor next day I told to Zach my "amazing, hard to believe" story.

"For real? You might be related to Santels?"

"Louder" I said sarcastically looking around if no one head.

"Sorry" he whispered.

"So what are you going to do now?"


"Nothing?" He asked dumbfounded "Wait, why nothing?!"

"Yeah, nothing I don't want them anything to do with them"

"I don't get why are you dislike them so much. I get they're ridiculously popular and kind of scary but imagine what would be like to be Santel's sister"

"What did you said?" Someone asked in angry voice. It was Tobias Santel.

"I-I nothing"

"Santel's sister? What the fuck do you know about my sister? You think that since your father works for us you're allowed to spread rumors about my family?" He growled.

Tobias voice was terrifying. He was tall and muscular enough to be intimidating just by his appearance. And he was angry, like really pissed off right now.

It was about time to evacuate but in my mind also lingered a question so they knew they have a sister? This whole Vittorio told them?

"I am not talking about yours sister... I'm talking about someone else. I wasn't- It's just a misunderstanding you know the same surname mistakes happen"

"We hired your father to help us found our sister and suddenly you're talking about a different Santel's sister? Do you think I'm an idiot? Don't give me that bullshit"

Tobias actually didn't want to hear it. Instead he punched Zach so hard my friend fell on the floor.

I was shocked to see this happening. I was standing frozen in place unable to make a move to help my friend, I was useless.

I observed the scene of Tobias hitting Zach over and over again. I was trembling and tears were streaming down my cheeks because after everything I've been through I still couldn't get used to physical violence. Why is he beating him like that? It looks like he's just angry and tries to take it out on someone. The reaction was completely disproportionate to what happened.

"Stop it. I said stop" I grabbed his hand who was about to hit Zach again.

"Stay out of it" Someone's hand grabbed me harshly and I was pulled towards no one else but Julien fucking Santel.

He was totally relaxed. He pulled me away just because he didn't want anyone interrupting his brother. His left hand that was not occupied with keeping me away was in his pocket.

"Let me go asshole and tell your brother to leave my friend alone" I yelled angrily.

He looked surprised at my violent reaction.

"What is going on here?"

Blake asked in sharp voice. The scene of his younger brother making another person bleed didn't bring any emotional reaction in him. He was just coldly assessing the situation.

"That motherfucker had the audacity to mention our sister"

"So what your father works on the job and you just go around spread rumors? It's not like we talk about it. What did your father said to you?"

"N-nothing, I know nothing"

"Zach, Zach, Zach" Blake paused to shook his head "I don't believe you. I get that your father told you about his work but it is very rude to speak about people behind their back, especially about missing family members. Tobias"

"N-no, wait it's not like that"

But Zach didn't have a chance to explain how it was like because he was brutally kicked in a stomach with resulted in his loud scream of pain.

Blake watched the scene with indifference. The moment Tobias stepped with his foot on poor's Zach stomach I decided it's over. I don't care what the consequences will be. This ends now.

I kicked Julien's shin because he wasn't expecting that he lessened his hold on me for a split second. That was more than enough for me. I charged towards Blake.

"Tell your brother to leave him alone, asshole!"

Blake smirked.

"And what if I won't?"

I was about to abandon the useless case and focus on charging towards Tobias but Blake held me in place by the back of my shirt.

"What is this girl doing?" Julien asked his older brother looking at the comical scene. Even Tobias stopped hitting Zach and just looked at me with confusion while his victim was lying sprawled on the ground.

"Leave Zach alone and fuck off"

"What a dirty language for a little girl" Blake said with a lazy smirk but from his eyes I could tell he was getting irritated with each second. "Tell your friend to never speak about our family again or we're going to have a problem"

Because he was clearly underestimating what I'm capable to do in my state the element of surprise worked worked on my favor and I managed to slap him. Hard.

"Fuck your family"

I was angry at the situation with Zach or my potential upbringing? Okay, maybe the latter.

This was a choice of mine to do this. If they kill me, fine. It would be poetic if I really was their sister and they killed me right here and now.

"What the fuck did you just do?" he said darkly and then he grabbed me by the shirt and started dragging forcefully towards school entrance. I had no way to get out of his strong grip.

We ended up at the back of the schoolyard I realized Blake bought himself time, it will take longer for any teacher to find us here.

"Really you're throwing yourself at me like I'm not twice your size how stupid are you? Actually don't even bother to answer that. Now, what should I do about you since you've been foolish enough to insult my family. How about this: Tobias will beat your boyfriend up until you apologize and kiss my shoe. How about that?"

I felt like throwing up. He was fucked up. For real, fucked up, cruel bastard.

"Don't hurt him" I said my voice trembling, tears flowing.

"Then get to work we don't have all day aren't we? Apologize"

I have never in my life felt more humiliated. I regretted what I said, I regretted telling Zach my story, getting out of bed today, existing, everything.

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