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The next day I learned Albert had a car accident. He's alive but he will have to spend several weeks at the hospital.

What were my brothers capable of exactly?

"You have so many cars why do you always go together to school?"

"Already tired of our company little sis?" Blake taunted.

"Yes" I responded flatly.

"At least she's honest" Julien said with amusement.

"Who was that boy you were talking at the corridor?"

"Which one?"

"You know blonde hair and tall he was wearing a red hoodie"

"Wait. How do you know I was talking to anyone?"

"Our friend, Mike, told us"

"tell Mike to mind his own business next time?"

"You're our business. Who you were talking to?"

"I teach that boy math. I need to earn money somehow"


"You don't need to worry about that anymore" Julien looked at me his eyes shining with concern.

"You're not teaching him anymore" Blake decided. For me.

I took a deep breath don't argue.

"So are you gonna snitch on me to Gideon?"

"Exactly right"


The next day I was in the kitchen with four of my brothers. Each of us was taking care of his own breakfast while I of course had to be clumsy as always.

"Shit" I muttered under my breath when I discovered that my white shirt is stained in ketchup.

"What sort of language is this?" Blake asked unhappily and I glared at him with untamed hostility. Blake seemed to have self-appointed that personal goal to "raise me"

"Fuck off"

"Fuck off? Yes, please and thank you should become your favorite words now," he said in a serious voice ah you're so easy to rile up he teased and I looked at him frustrated and irritated

"Stop it Blake" Julien sighted tired of his behavior.

"Look at her" he said ignoring Julien's request "It's so cute when our baby sister gets upset"

"I'm not a baby"

Tobias just looked at us unimpressed and came back to stuffing his face with scrambled eggs.

I had an answer about how he's supposed to fix it in several minutes when he showed up with a bar of soap.

"Put it in your mouth"



I was about to leave but he dragged me by the back of my shirt to the same place I was departing from. 

"Open up"


He literally sticks the bar of soap in my mouth when I was trying to say "no".

I spitted it out choking and coughing. I was being a little dramatic but I had the right to after this. Tony finished eating and threw me an irritated look.

Meanwhile, Julien was reading a book with no concern about the world outside of his lecture.

I slowly learned about the household. With Gideon, there was no discussion when he said something others had to follow and they did so without the word of protest he was like a real "boss" of the family. But right after him was Blake and he was a hard person to talk back to as well.

Blake was mean and narcissistic. Julien was caring, sweet, and smart but because nothing in life could be perfect he was also a manwhore. Tony was straight out hostile and bossy. A dickhead.

In other words - they were all difficult to deal with.  

But sometimes also sweet. Julien proved that on Saturday when he sat down next to me on the sofa and said.

"Hey, do you want to go to the cinema?"

"What movie?

"You can pick one. Okay, but not this one"

"Why not?"

"It's a horror, you're too young. Gideon wouldn't be happy"

Of course.

"I'm not a child"

"Then stop pouting like a baby," he said with fondness in his voice and pinched my cheek.

We agreed to go watch a romantic comedy. I was surprised that Julien didn't mind.

We bought big popcorn and nachos more than a movie. We both agreed that the last row is the best place cinema was almost empty when we got there. After the movie ended we complain for a while about plot making a little sense. It was a nice moment.

Next day Tobias took me to his friend's house.
"I'm bored, can we go?"

"Oliver has a sister go upstairs and play with her or something" he commanded and his friend nodded as if it was an excellent idea.

The sister was 5.

Well, who cares. Still more mature than the concoction of hormones downstairs.


I started seeing a pattern of brother's taking turns with bothering me. Day three of living at the Santel's house: Blake appears.

"Self defense?" I said unconvinced "I don't think I'm into sports"

"It wasn't a request" Blake said.

"I don't give a sh-" I remember soap taste in my mouth and stopped in mid-sentence. "What you gonna do drag me to the dojo or whatever?" I looked at him while I referred to the situation at school that happened week ago.

"Let me rephrase that if you won't learn self-defense we will lock you up in the house and let you leave only on special occasion with a team of bodyguards plastered to your side. How does that sounds like?"

"You can't be serious"

Blake smirked "I'm completely serious so get up, now"

"If you're starting fights with people outside of your weight group you better know how to defend yourself" he looked at me still riled up about our first encounter.

"Whenever I'm situation like that I'm either too furious or too terrified to think" I shrugged.

"Your reaction will become automatic at some point, after our training.

It took maybe 40 minutes and I was dead.

"Baby is already tired?" Blake teased he was towering over me while I was laying on the floor, heaving.

"I feel like throwing up"

"Blake, that's enough for today. Just look at her" Julien complained after entering the training room.

"Alright, alright. Relax Julien"

Julien looked like he needed to relax because he was looking at his older brother absolutely pissed off.

I ended up being held in Blake's arms and I didn't even have a time to process it "By the way don't wear long sleeves for training, it's too hot in here. We're going to have lessons every Friday" I groaned loudly and he started cackling. If I had any strength I would punch him in the face or at least tried to.

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