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"If you can't afford a good lawyer you should consider my client's offer. That way you will be able to still see your daughter every weekend"

What? What were they talking about? I felt rising wave of uneasiness they surly can't be threatening my mother, right?

"I-I just don't understand why it is so sudden. Why can't she stay here at least for now? Get to know her first, don't take her just yet. Lena is a sensitive child"

"My father spent fourteen years to bring this sensitive child home. Due to his absence this responsibility is now on my shoulders and I will not allow Lena stay here with a company of people I don't trust"

"You don't trust me with my daughter?" My mother whispered in voice that gave away how hurt she actually is right now.

I'm an idiot. It's all my fault. If I just let this thing go they would never found out about me. Or much later. I really caused her pain, he's here because of me. Tears started flowing down my cheeks, my fists clenched. I hated this man right now.

"I believe you changed apparent several times already. You haven't been able to pay rent, is that correct? It's clear to me that you're incapable of providing my sister a safe environment. She's going with me or thing going to get really difficult for you. You and your son still have a debt to pay. Don't think we're negotiating here"

"How do you know this? Who's fault is that I couldn't pay rent if not the goons you send every month to collect the money?!"

"Me? Don't blame me for your problems. Last time I checked it's not a child under my care ended up with unmanageable drug problems and debts. Although I can't predict the damage that was caused to Lena by living in this house"

"How dare you"

"Don't interrupt me. If I ever find that you harmed her in any way you will regret this dearly"

"she's, my daughter"

"That's why if you will sign this documents I will allow you to see her regularly"

Does this man think everything can be resolved with money?

"What signing this document exactly means?"

"Voluntary transfer of custody. I will of course give you a financial recompense for taking care of my sister all these years"

"Mom you're not considering it, right?"

Everyone looked at me judgmentally for evens dropping. Well, screw then. Money? What am I an object? I got a scholarship worked my ass off just so we can have money for paying off that bastard's debt and now she's considering giving me away.

Besides, it was the US why is he acting like he's above the law? He can't get away with things like this.

Then mom looked at me and I knew she's asking for forgiveness, not permission.

"You shouldn't have to live like. You are a brilliant and beautiful child with a good heart. The things they can give you they're incomparable to what I can. They can keep you safe they can send you to a good college and pay for your school"

"I don't want him we we've been doing all right on our own"

That wasn't exactly true but I didn't want to admit it.

"I'm sorry but I need to consider what's best for you. Us"

Uneasy feeling appeared in my stomach. Why did she shifted her stance so quickly? Was it because he offered her money? She was always sort of materialistic I never blamed her because after so much time of struggling with money I could understand why she needed something she lacked for many years now.

"Mom are you serious right now? Are you really planning to throw me away like that?"

That money deal we would be able to pay off debts. Baby, you need to pack your bags"

No. She's not doing it. I could feel as if my heart is being split in two. What have I done? If I hadn't started searching for my family none of this would happen. They would never find me if I didn't give them a clue.

I slammed the door of Gideon's expensive car.

"I see we need to learn on teaching you respect," Gideon said as if it was a good-natured observation.

"Have you considered asking me what I want before you barged into my home and decided I'm now living with you?"

"No," he responded bluntly. "I wouldn't trust you to make the right decision anyway. What possessed you to throw yourself at Blake? He's twice your size"

"You threw yourself at Blake who is two sizes bigger than you had he hit back you could end up with a permanent injury. You disregarded my threats and continued being disrespectful knowing very well who I am none all of this anymore to me as an adult responsible for you is concerning. How can I trust your judgment when it comes to your safety?"

I decided to ignore his points because they just further irritated me.

"It can't be legal. You can just show up with some bullshit documents and act like everything is solved"

"Court agreed to treat this case with higher priority since you're living in an unfit environment. The judge is my good friend that's why things happen quicker than they normally would"

Of course.

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