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I closed my eyes and lowered my head. Did I have to do this? Did I really have to? I was about to kneel on the ground and get over of what seems to be the most humiliating episode of my life but I was saved in the last moment.

I've heard someone screaming and I lifted my eyes to see my homeroom teacher - Ms. Elliot. She looked positively furious.

Eventually, every party involved ended up at the headmaster's office.

"Lena, I will start with you. You're a straight-A student, you've got the scholarship I expected besides perfect grades a perfect behavior. You've got the opportunity other children in your situation can only dream of. You should be an example to your peers so I'm shocked to hear you were using violence so carelessly instead of looking for a teacher to solve the problem"

"I'm very sorry for her behavior," Albert said, in my name because yeah for some reason he showed up in the office instead of mom.

"What the fuck are you even doing here?!"

All adults in the room looked scandalized by my language except Gideon Santel who regarded me with a curious expression.

"Lena, what is this behavior? I'm shocked, I've read letter you've sent to the school it was your dream to study here, why would you do something to risk scholarship?"

"Lena's behavior is related to the fact that many changes in her life happened recently. I ask for your understanding" Albert chimed in with a tone of voice of good, understanding uncle. I clenched my teeth in anger.

"I don't care anymore about the scholarship"

Now Ms. Elliot looked really concerned.

"Why? Did something happen? Talk to me please otherwise I can't help you. Do you need help?"

"Nothing happened. It's just not worth of my effort. I don't like this school anymore.

I was aware that my eyes must look dead right now. I felt like I've lost my connection with reality and now was speaking to people from a different universe, far away from me. I didn't care about anything. I haven't felt a thing at that moment so I couldn't possibly care or fully understand what I'm saying.

"We've been thinking about a week suspension" for everyone" Headmaster said to Gideon who so far didn't raise his voice yet.

"I'm sure there's no need for children to have in their papers such things as suspension headmaster after all we do care about their future right? We should solve this differently" Gideon started smoothly in dispassionate, formal voice.

"Different how?"

"I understand that my brother attacked Zachary, I'm more than willing to pay financial recompense. As for Blake, he was the one being attacked so he's not at fault here"

"That is correct" headmaster agreed easily. Too easily.

"Students who receive financial support from school due to their excellent achievements shouldn't get into fights and assault other students. They should be a good example and Ms. Wright clearly isn't one. The only solution to this is to remove this girl from the scholarship program"

"Sir we won't be able to pay tuition if that happens," Albert said.

Meaning I will be forced to leave the school.

"I don't see how that's my problem"
Gideon responded.

"This is too harsh, it would be cruel to take her scholarship right now"

"Tuition for this semester is already paid I won't be undoing that. The second term you'd either have to pay from your pocket or search for another school, I'm sorry Lena" the headmaster said.

"Well if there's nothing that can be done" I said giving up already. I'm not going to fight about it, not anymore. I was tired, I've spend so much time and effort to get here and now I didn't want any of this. I could feel the pain spreading through my chest. What an utter disaster I have become.

Albert didn't even try to fight for me. After
the news dropped he just nodded and I could sense how his arm wraps around me as he pulls me closer to himself in what was suppose to be a reassuring gesture.

I went rigid and I tried to hide my disgust but my eyes. I didn't want Albert to touch me.

I could feel Gideon's intense eyes on me. He looked as if he could read minds with his eyes and feel my internal discomfort. Obviously not. Obviously he couldn't my mind was doing weird tricks on me.

"Thank you headmaster for your effort and I'm sorry she has been such a disappointment"

I couldn't do this, no I really couldn't.

I freed myself from his arms and stormed out of the office.

"Lena stop how are you going to get home?" Albert went right after me.

"I will walk. Fuck off" I snapped at Albert and he quickly gave up on following me because on some basic level - he didn't care at all about me, thank God.

How do I sign up to another school now? How do I apply after semester started? What am I suppose to do with my life? How could it all fall apart so quickly?

I ignored what was going around me in my head I could only hear the persistent voice telling me that I should kill myself at this point.

"Now, you really have a reason to say to me "fuck your family" aren't you?" Blake dared to send me overconfident grin and I was left speechless at the audacity of this massive asshole.

But I decided to ignore him for the sake of something doing something far more reckless than just cursing him out. I decided to ask Gideon Santel a question. I might as well look at Blake's reaction to that.

"Does the name Abby Lewis tells you something?"

That made Gideon freeze in place. Blake and Tony looked shocked that I dared to speak directly to their oldest brother.

Gideon looked at me with his cold, dark eyes.

"How do you know that name?" He asked in voice that sounded calm and dangerous at the same time.

"It's rude to answer the question with another question"

"You haven't seen me acting rude, yet" he warned.

"Whatever" I whispered and felt I'm grabbed forcefully by Tobias and dragged in front of his brother who didn't make a move.

He was towering over me and I felt very small under his cold gaze.

"How do you know that name and think about an answer because I don't like repeating myself"

"I don't give a fuck. Leave me alone!!!" I started screaming louder and louder and people started looking at me and pointing fingers.

"Let's not make a scene. It seems like we will have to discuss this issue in a more private place.

"We have nothing to discuss, bastard"'

He didn't dignify my words with an answer at least not at first.

Before I knew what is happening I was brutally thrown into the car with the man I feared the most.

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