115.You and I are practically the same

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You and I are practically the same

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

You and I are practically the same. Maybe that's why it's the way it is between us.

Honestly ... I have no idea if I should hate the time when I was a party to all the other cybertronians, or enjoy it ...

But lately I've been leaning towards the first option ...

It's clear to me that I've let you down a few times ... but do you know how many times you've let me down? How much pain have I experienced because of you? How many times at night I can't sleep because I'm afraid that if I fall asleep, I'll do something again and the two of us argue again ...

Of course, when I look at it this way ... this is all gone. Honestly, I don't care ... yes now.

I have chosen my path and I go for it, I have seen it with you my whole life and now ... When I want it, it is suddenly wrong ...

I don't want to say anything ... But I'm holt just like you ... now I know and I'm fully aware of it ...

You did something similar too, remember?

And as I once said, I want to go the same way as you ...

And all this ... Just because of you.

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