𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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———The airship had finally landed to it's destination of the final phase. All the remainder applicants left the ship and were told to go inside the building where the phase would take place.

"Well gentlemen and lady. Is everyone rested up? The Hunter Exam selection committee runs this hotel." The chairman welcomed everyone that stood around him.

Y/n stood in between Kurapika and Killua actually listening on what was being said. "This place is all yours until the battles have concluded. For the Final Phase, we will be holding a one-on-one tournament."

As he spoke, a worker at the hotel wheeled out a board that was being covered by a white sheet. Grabbing a hold of it he took it off in one motion revealing a lot of lines.

"So only the last person standing passes?" Leorio asked.

"No. One win is all you need to pass." He stated holding one finger up.

Y/n's body went tense at the information. She was aware that she might have to fight for the final phase from the question she was asked on the airship. But then again it could've been a romance from the questions as well...

"One win?" Gon repeated his eyebrows shooting up.

Leorio eyes widened and begun to speak making it trail off. "Then, in this tournament..."

"The winners are removed from the competition, while the losers continue up the bracket. In other words, the person who finished at the top...will not pass. Does everyone understand now?"

Umm no not really...But i'll act like I do so- Mhm chairman this makes so much sense and I totally understand you Has anyone told you how luscious your eyebrows look? No? Well here I am-

"So you're saying that only one person will fail." Mr. World Wide spoke up for the first time like ever. (i forgot his name lmao)


"I volunteer as tribute-" Y/n started and stepped forward with her hand in the air. But was pulled back by Killua. "Never mind."

"And here is the bracket." He said moving out the way of the board so they could get a clearer look.

There was all their faces stuck to the bottom of the board. Instead of looking who she was up against. Y/n groaned. "You didn't get my angle! I specifically told you the left not the right. I mean Kurapika looks good as always, can't say the same about Leorio."

"I look decent okay!" Leorio argued back.

Y/n tilted her head side to side humming to show she was thinking. "...Really? Decent? But look at Gon's! It's so cute! And Killua's looks good. What the frickidy frack." Y/n turned to the little green guy who took them and pointed at him. "You did me dirty."

𝐒𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧ッ hunter x hunter Where stories live. Discover now