The Mall

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It was a nice day, or well rather night now. The group of young adults had all gathered at a diner in town to plan out the night. There were six in total, it would have been five but one of them had brought their little brother. A brunette stood from the table. "Let me introduce to you my little brother Avery!" The little boy seemed ready for the adventure they had all planned;he had waited all week for this day. "Me and Violet brought flashlights and bolt cutters!" he spoke a bit too loudly, causing his sister, Violet, to hush him. They all chuckled at his excitement.

One by one the group introduced themselves, first a redhead spoke "I'm Zadia, but everyone calls me Ginger. It's nice having a brave boy on our team" she smiled. Next was a black man who was way taller and more built than the rest of them "I'm Calvin, it's nice to meet ya' Avery", he ruffled the boys hair which earned him a giggle. Another guy stood, he looked like the typical jokester of every group; hawaiian shirt cargo shorts and high top sneakers. "I'm Grayson, the strongest of us all", he joked, causing Calvin to lightly punch his arm when he found his seat again. A girl with short choppy hair smiled, the ends of her blonde hair dyed blue. "You know me runt, I'm your sister's girlfriend", she smiled. Avery nodded "Yep, you're Frankie!"

After the group had ordered food and finished introducing themselves to the new little boy, they began to talk about the old mall. "Do you remember that fun house type place?" Ginger spoke up, to which Grayson but in "Oh yeah! I used to be terrified of the mirror room, but the ball pit was my favorite part. Thinking back though, that place was disgusting germ wise." They all laughed at that, it had been a big pizza type place that took up the whole second story of the mall. It had been extremely popular in the day but went out of business when the mall shut down. "Oh yeah! They had that weird rainbow possum mascot right? I remember the owner wearing it and dragging the kids around on his giant tail....old man Liam was the best" Calvin sighed at the memory. "Didn't it shut down because of a murder?" Violet piped in "Yeah, Possum Pizza shut down because a kid died, was playing in the Funhouse and got trapped in that small box room of the crazy maze. You know, that room where the ceiling moved up and down to make the kids feel like it was getting smaller?" Grayson shuddered at the memory, claustrophobia kicking in at the thought. "Yeah well it malfunctioned and crushed the kid like a grape" Ginger finished the story, the rest of the team going quiet at the bad memory. "After that the mall went bankrupt and the whale building shut down."

"Well I heard that the power still works there, and the way to get in is through a window on the main floor. It's the only one that isn't covered in sheet metal. That will be our entry and exit point." Violet spoke, she was like the leader of the group and she always seemed to have a plan. Frankie backing her up no matter what. "So the power box will probably be in the main office right?" Calvin chimed in, the others nodding in confirmation. Avery joined the conversation after he finished off his fries. "What if someone else is in there?" Everyone looked at him in surprise "I'm eleven, I think of important stuff too!" Frankie nodded "If we see anyone we let the rest of the group know so we can figure out if we need to hide or leave." "Yeah but the place is so old I doubt anyone will even be there, and if there is we have a Calvin. Do they have a Calvin?" At the mention of their strong member Calvin playfully flexed.

It felt good having the group back together, it was like middle school. The group would sit in the diner and eat and talk about nonsense stuff that happened, it really made Violet think. She was snapped out of her thoughts by the waitress asking how they would pay "Ill just pay for everyon-" "Nope! Me and Calvin will pay, you suggest this fun idea so we'll handle this part of it. I'm not budging on this decision either." Grayson spoke, Calvin giving a nod before handing the waitress his card. In under five minutes they were heading to the van they had all come in. Frankie and Violet had picked up the rest of the crew in it, then drove them here. They all piled in, Violet in the driver and Avery in the passenger. He begged to sit there so he could see better and nobody else seemed to mind him sitting in front. They drove through the town, not a lot of people on the road at one in the morning on a friday. Those who were were probably teens who snuck out past curfew to feel like rebels.

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