ii | holidaying

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The next morning, Loki was startled to see Mobius' face just inches away from her own. They took the time to admire him, he looked so peaceful.
Loki whispered "Oh gosh Moby , you are so adorable."
Mobius' eyes fluttered open, & he smirked at Loki.
"Did you hear that?" Loki blushed.
"Yeah. Where did 'Moby' come from?"
Loki looked down, shyly.
"I like it. & you're pretty cute too Lokes." Mobius moved his face to be just inches away from Loki's.
Loki started to blush even more, leaning in to kiss him. The two shared a short, & sweet kiss before Mobius' sighed "We need to go to work, remember there's work from yesterday that's unfinished." He smirked whilst saying the last bit.
"Oh, of course." Loki's disappointment was visible.
"Don't worry, once we've finished this case, we're allowed to have a short break."

Mobius looked at Loki, confused how they were going to change. Loki could tell so he smiled slightly "Just get changed Moby , I don't care."
Mobius looked slightly startled by Loki's response "Um... Okay."
The two of them started to change, taking sly, small glances at the other. It was like they were both moving in slow motion, getting caught up in eachother. Well, until Mobius snapped "Just get changed."
Loki smirked "You too, Moby ."
They laughed a little, & were eventually dressed in their suits. Just as they were about to leave, Loki leant forward to fix Mobius' tie. They smiled at eachother before Loki dashed out of Mobius' room, to act as if he'd been waiting outside all along. Once Mobius' had exited too, the pair made their way down to the office.

As they walked down, Sylvie approached the pair "Did you two have a good time last night?" She Smirked.
"What do you mean?" Loki asked.
"I saw you leaving Mobius' room just then, idiot." Sylvie laughed.
"Oh... um..." Loki stuttered "I accidentally fell asleep in there."
"Do you actually think I'd believe that?"
"It's the truth."
"It is, Sylvie," Mobius joined into the conversation "We don't want that kind of thing."
"Eh, I can believe it," Sylvie shrugged, walking away.

Mobius & Loki linked their hands before continuing down to their office. A few unsual looks, & a particularly jealous looking Ravonna later, the two of them had arrived at their office. As I've mentioned before, Mobius & Loki's desks were across from eachother. It almost looked like just one big table, since they'd pushed them together to touch. The excuse they'd used is that it was easier to work, since they usually work together, but I mean... Really?

Once they'd arrived at the office, staring at eachother had become a recent habit of Mobius & Loki's. As per usual, Mobius broke it & said "We need to get on with the work."
Mobius was extremely serious about his work, I guess you could say it was his glorious purpose, it was one of the many things that Loki admired about him though. Loki replied with "Okay, Moby."
Mobius smiled at Loki calling him 'Moby', it was brief, he then started to show Loki the files... "So, this is our first & last file for this case."
"Great, then we get to have a break?"
"Yes. A well earned one, on both of our behalf's."
"More so you than I, Moby. You work harder than anyone here!"
"Aww Lokes, stop it. There's definitely many more people here that are much better than I am."
"No, there actually aren't. I did a research task on it."
Loki blushed "Umm... Ravonna asked me to, I'm not sure why."
"Oh, okay." Mobius was grinning.
"It said that you are the hardest working agent in the TVA, & also Ravonna's favourite. I'll be keeping a watchful eye on her."
"Don't worry Lokes, I'm yours. & only yours."
"My Moby," Loki put his hand on Mobius' "& I'm your Lokes."
"My Lokes... We do really need to get on with this work now. The quicker we complete it, the quicker we can have our break together."

Loki picked up the files, skimmed through them, wrote a few things down, & then looked up again. "Done."
Mobius started to look through the files, & was surprised to see everything completed perfectly "You're telling me you could've done that all along?"
"No, I thrive off of incentives . Once you reminded me, it gave me the motive to do it. & now here we are, let's go on our break."
"Let's drop the files off to Ravonna."

His name is Loki - LokiusWhere stories live. Discover now