v | he really loves you

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Mobius started to gain a sense of consciousness. He looked around the unfamiliar room, his heartbeat started to quicken. It was eased when his eyes landed on a particularly familiar Asgardian Prince though. He forced a smile, but could feel the sharp pain in his side. Loki stared at him with hurt, but empathetic eyes.
"What's happening?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Mobius sighed, he already knew what Loki was talking about.
"I didn't want you to worry."
"Mobius! You could've died." Loki shouted, tears started to form in her eyes.
"I'm sorry."
"It was terrifying Moby. Do you remember?"
"Remember what?"
"When I woke up after I put you to bed, your shirt had ridden up ever so slightly. It revealed to me the gash on your side. I was scared, so I woke you up. I wanted to get it checked out immediately. But when I started to heave you from the bed, you went unconscious, & fell to the floor. I thought that you had died Mobius." Loki was crying completely now, Mobius felt terrible for how upset he had caused Loki to become.
"I'm... I'm so sorry." Tears started to well up in Mobius' eyes "I promise that I'll tell you everything from now on. I can't lose you Loki."
Loki did nothing but place a calm, soft kiss on Mobius' lips. Mobius watched as Loki started to walk to the door "Wait, where are you going?" The analyst asked.
"I have to leave. They have to test you to make sure that you won't die, Moby." Loki's same usual sarcastic tone had reappeared, but the 'Moby' made it more sincere.
"Oh... See you later baby."
Loki blushed a little "See you later my Moby."
The door was opened, & then shut.

A few seconds later, Sylvie entered the room with a smile on her face, "Wow, I never knew Loki's could be so sentimental."
"Neither did I." Mobius chuckled "Wait, did you see all of that?"
"Don't worry, I knew you could cry like that."
"Gee, thanks."
"You're welcome."
"Well what tests am I having done?"
"We need to do a few blood tests, & an operation actually. But you'll be put under anaesthetic for the whole thing, seeing as you need the rest anyway."
"Oh okay, that's fine. Please get Loki straight away afterwards."
"I don't know if that's the best idea at the moment. They're really shaken up."
"I really do feel terrible."
"You should."
"I just didn't want to scare him!" Mobius shouted.
"Well you ended up scaring him more than it would've initially."
Mobius closed his eyes, a small sob escaped his lips as he waited for the anaesthetic.

Loki sat in Mobius' bedroom. He was smelling the pillow that Mobius would usually sleep on, it smelt just like him. Loki smiled as tears streamed down his face. She was mad at Mobius, so so mad. But once they saw that face, they could no longer be mad. His beautiful face. Loki didn't want to wait until the operation was completed to see him, not mentioning that he may not wake up after the anaesthetic. The Asgardian almost started to cry again, but they managed to hold back the tears. All they could think about was Mobius.
He thought that it was probably a good time to leave now, so he picked up the keys & walked out. Once they'd turned around from locking the door, B-15 greeted them. "Good afternoon." She said.
"Is this a bad time?"
"Kind of."
"Mobius is having an operation."
"Of course."
"I'll catch you later. You really are in love, huh."
Loki didn't know how to respond to that comment, he knew that he was in love with Mobius. They'd never really thought about it though, it was just a feeling that was there, & he was happy for it to exist within. "You could say so." Loki beamed.
B-15's jaw dropped. She didn't know what she was expecting Loki to say, but it definitely wasn't that. She decided that it was the right time to tell him, "Look, Loki."
Loki had already turned around, & was walking away as she said that. As soon as he heard the hunter's voice, he turned back around "Uh, yes?"
B-15 walked closer to Loki, "He really loves you Loki."
Loki smiled, his heart was bursting with joy.
"Like, when the supermarket divorce happened-"
"The supermarket divorce?" Loki interrupted.
"Oh, when you betrayed him after finding Sylvie. That's what a few other TVA agents & I called it." B-15 chuckled.
"You were talking about us?"
"Yeah. But anyway, back to the story. He talked to Miss Minutes for HOURS about how much he missed you. He even told her that he wanted to kiss you."
Loki tried to cover the flustered blush on his cheeks "Uh, well..."
B-15 touched Loki's arm softly, "You're perfect for eachother. Please, just remember that."
"& he's going to be fine."
"I hope so."
"I know so."

Loki ran down to the library. She quickly found a book to occupy herself . He started to read, & couldn't help but imagine himself & Mobius to be represented by the characters within.

George smiled softly at Matthew. Their fingers were briefly touching as they walked down the busy school corridors. Nobody would notice though, they were too busy stuck in their own little self-absorbed worlds to care what the two invisible boys were doing. But for the two boys, it was everything. Their small chuckles seemed to slow down, atleast to George, as Matthew entwined their fingers together. George held onto the other boys hand tightly, as he started at the ground below him. Matthew just stared at George, waiting for him to finally look back up again. After a few seconds, George finally did look up again. They stared right into eachother's eyes. George looked back to infront of them, & continued walking. Well, until they'd arrived back to the dormitory.

The door was locked. It was just them.

George cupped Matthew's face, & stared at his lips. He started to lean forwards, & pushed their lips together. After they pulled away, George smiled, "I really like you."
"I really like you too."

Loki closed the book. Unaware of the tears streaming down his face. They stared at a clock, it'd been four hours since he'd left Mobius, surely the surgery was done now. Loki stared to run, faster than she's ever run before. Through each corridor, & into the hospital area of the TVA. They talked to the receptionist, & were given the directions to the room. As she reached the door, he opened it softly, as if to not disturb Mobius . But it wasn't to her surprise when she saw him peacefully sleeping. Loki found a chair, & placed it beside the bed. They watched Mobius sleep for a while, but then realised how weird that probably was. So instead, they whispered "I love you Moby." & then, she tried to reach some level of comfort, & made an attempt to fall asleep.

Not long after Loki had fallen asleep, Mobius had woken up from the surgery. He was pleased to see his favourite raven-haired Prince sleeping in a chair beside him, but then he also felt a pang of guilt from within. Loki was sleeping in what looked like an incredibly uncomfortable chair, just for him? Mobius tried to inch his body up, so his was sitting against the headboard, & tapped Loki's shoulder. Loki woke up, rubbing his eyes. His mood suddenly changed when his eyes were locked into Mobius', he smiled "Moby! Are you okay?"
"I'm great."
"I missed you."
Mobius tapped the small portion of bed beside him "Loki, I can't bare watching you trying to sleep in that chair. Sleep beside me."
"Look Moby, as much as I want to, I'm not sure if I'm even allowed. & there's not a lot of space, plus... I wouldn't want to hurt you."
"Well it hurting me to watch you sleep like that."
Loki chuckled, giving in to Mobius. The Asgardian lay in the bed beside Mobius, taking him into a warm embrace. They both fell asleep ever so quickly.

After a few hours of peaceful sleep, a doctor walked into the room & was confused after seeing Mobius & Loki asleep in the bed together. She walked over & chuckled at the two lovesick people, she wasn't particularly familiar with Loki, but she had heard about how Mobius was dating someone. She tapped both Loki & Mobius & smiled at them awkwardly, "I'm sorry to disturb you both, but I came to tell Mobius that he's able to leave now. The operation went better than expected, & his recovery should be speedy."
"That's great!" Loki smiled, hugging Mobius tighter than before.
"Agreed. Now, do you need any help Mobius. Or is Professor-"
"Loki. Loki Laufeyson."
"-Loki going to help you?"
"I think Loki will be enough help. Thank you though."
"That's fine, be careful though." She said to both of them, whilst walking out of the room.

Loki grabbed Mobius' hands & helped him from the bed.
"Sure you're okay?" Loki asked, genuinely.
"Yes Lo."
"Okay. Well, place most of your weight on me whilst we walk."
"It's fine."
"Come on Moby, I'm just trying to take care of you."
Loki let Mobius grab onto her arm, & started to guide them both through the halls of the tva. Everyone's eyes were on them.

His name is Loki - LokiusWhere stories live. Discover now