iii | let's play matchmaker

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Loki was startled to find himself back in his room in the TVA as she awoke. He felt warm, & confused. Their confusion was slightly eased when he saw the man beside him, Mobius was smiling.
"Morning, Loki."
"Hey Moby."
"I know you're probably confused but-"
"Yes, I am. How did we end up here? & how did I not wake up in the process."
"Well, Ravonna needed us back. Remember how I told you before, time in the TVA works differently. So to everyone here, it was like we had been gone for two weeks. & also, well... I was really careful with you."
Loki moaned "Oh... well that's annoying. I was looking forward to spending time with you."
"I was too, baby." Mobius said calmly, "Anyway, we need to get up. Back to work."
"Fine. At least we work together."
"I don't think I could bare it without you."
"You did for a while."
"Technically, no. I've spent my whole time here researching you, so I still depended on you then."
"How adorable of you." Loki smirked.
"Oh, shut up." Mobius slapped him, lightly.

They quickly sprinted out the door, heading down to the canteen to have an early breakfast before getting to work. Mobius chose a table, & before he could stand up, Loki had already arrived back at the table carrying a large basket full of assorted pastries.
"Loki! You're not meant to take all of the pastries." Mobius laughed.
"It's fine."
"What about everyone else?"
"They'll manage. Anyway, they won't go to waste. We have company."
As if on que, Sylvie walked through the door at that moment. Waving to Mobius & Loki as she walked over to the table.
"If it isn't the two most loved up people in this entire place." She laughed, giving them both a quick hug, since they'd been gone for a while in terms of TVA timings.
"Shush, Sylvie. We're keeping this," Mobius pointed to Loki, & then himself  "As private as possible."
"Keeping it private?" Sylvie scoffed.
"What's so funny?" Mobius asked.
"You walk down the corridors holding hands, & you're always coming in & out of eachother's rooms at God knows what time." She laughed, making fake throwing up sounds.
"Oh...Uh..." Mobius was speechless.
"What about you & Hunter B-15, huh Sylvie?" Loki smirked, trying to change the subject, whilst also checking out Sylvie's love life. She'd seen Sylvie & B-15 getting closer, & was eager to see what was going on between them.
"W-what?" Sylvie immediately became flustered.
"Are you fucking?" The Asgardian laughed.
Mobius slapped Loki lightly, "Loki! You can't just ask people that."
Sylvie looked completely flushed, & speechless.
"Well it doesn't matter, because Sylvie isn't our only company for this morning." Loki gestured their hands towards the door.
"You've got to be shitting me." Sylvie gave Loki a death stare.

"Good morning. Loki, Mobius... Sylvie," B-15 stopped, staring at Sylvie for a few seconds, blushing ever so slightly.
"Good morning." The three echoed back.
"So... what've you been up to?" The Hunter asked, making simple conversation.
"Not much... just talking about how you & Sylvie are fu-" Loki's sentence was interrupted by a hand over his mouth, Mobius' hand.
"Stop it Loki."
"Come on, Mobius."
"Not now."
B-15 looked as confused as ever, "What is going on?" She questioned.
"It doesn't matter," Sylvie quickly butted in.
"Oh... um... okay."
B-15 sat down on the chair closest to Sylvie, there was an awkward silence that dawned upon the group. Well, until Sylvie laughed "Did you know that Mobius & Loki are a thing?"
B-15 looked at her again, "Of course I did, Ravonna's pissed."
"Wait a damn minute, how do you know?" Mobius asked.
"Bitch please, I saw you kissing eachother in the hallway." B-15 smirked.
"Shit. Loki!" Mobius squirmed, he was blushing.
"What?" Loki was smirking too.
"That was your doing!"
"Which time?"
Sylvie's jaw dropped, as her & B-15 listened into the playful argument that was being had between Mobius & Loki.
"Shut up Loki." Mobius stared him down.
"No, it's pretty cute to see you angry. Well not actually angry, we both know that you'd never actually get angry at me Moby." Loki giggled.
Mobius suddenly softened "You know me too well," he wanted to reach in & give Loki a kiss, but he knew that it'd satisfy Sylvie & B-15 too much. They'd never shut up about it. Instead, he decided to interrogate the love lives of the other two.
"Well then, how about you? Sylvie, B-15. Anything good going on in your love lives?"
Loki gave Mobius a small smile, taking pride in how his boyfriend had managed to somehow slip that into the conversation.
B-15 looked down, "Not exactly..." Sylvie's eyes darted over to her, "What do you mean?" She sounded different than before, a hint of jealousy was just about noticeable.
"Oh... I um..."
Mobius made an attempt to save B-15 from the wrath of an angry Sylvie "Do you like someone?"
"Uh... yeah. I do."
"Who?" Sylvie still sounded jealous.
"How about who do you like?" B-15 asked.
"I will not be answering that question for legal purposes." Sylvie smiled.
"We will lock you two in a room, I swear to God." Loki looked between them both.
Loki grabbed B-15, & Mobius grabbed Sylvie. Pulling them down the hallway, & into Mobius' apartment. As they entered B-15 smirked "Isn't that Loki's shirt?" She pointed to the shirt that was strewn across the floor. But before anyone could fit a word in edgeways, Loki had shoved them both into the wardrobe.

Sylvie stared up at B-15, it was now or never. "Just a quick question, are you..."
"Seeing someone? No."
"Oh, good. I mean, not good. But, that's not what I was going to ask. Umm... are you into..."
"Women? Yes. & only women."
Sylvie smiled, taking this as her chance to finally admit her feelings. She grabbed B-15's hand, & gave her a small kiss on the cheek. B-15 stared down at the younger woman, as she tried to find words.
"I like you. A lot." Sylvie admitted.
"I... I like you too."
"Would you mind if I..."
"Not at all."
Sylvie smiled gratefully, this time kissing B-15's lips. They were soft, she'd never felt something more magical. Their tongues worked in harmony with eachother, as they slowly started to make out. They'd both wanted this for a while now.

Loki looked over at Mobius, "What do you reckon they're doing in there?"
"Making out." Mobius smirked.
"They better be, or we've just locked them in that wardrobe for nothing."
"How long do you think we should wait?"
"Ten minutes, we'll let them have a good, short time. If need be, they've always got their apartments to go to afterwards."
"You're not wrong. We've got some things to do too," Mobius winked at Loki playfully.
Loki slipped her arms around Mobius, laying their head on his shoulder "I love you Moby."
"I love you more, baby."
"Waiting is boring."
"I know, let's get them out of there."
"Sounds good to me."
Mobius unlocked the padlock, feeling a bit disheartened to see the two stood there, at least a metre apart. Little did he know, just seconds before they had been having a pretty intense makeout session.
"Did you have a good time?" Mobius smiled, trying to be sincere.
B-15 quickly grabbed Sylvie's hand, "Yes."
Loki & Mobius exchanged a glance, "So... Are you?"
"Mhm." Sylvie smiled.
"I'm happy for you both." Loki smiled at them "Moby is too."
"I still can't get over you calling Mobius 'Moby'," Sylvie chuckled.
"It's cute, huh." Mobius smiled at his Loki.
"Anyway, we're going to get going. See you later." Sylvie smiled, as the couple exited the door.
"Bye." Mobius & Loki waved.

As soon as the door had shut, Loki stared at Mobius.
"Well, I was sort of correct. Even if they weren't fucking before, they are now."
"I swear Loki, if you say the word 'fucking' one more time, I'm going to fuck you."
"I might just have to do so then."
Mobius chucked, giving Loki a kiss. "Let's cuddle."
"Of course, Loki. Why would I joke about that?"
"You know, I still struggle to believe that you actually like me."
"Loki, you're a God. If anything, I should be the one struggling to believe." Mobius chuckled softly.
"You haven't done oh so many terrible things."
"Loki, that's in the past. & I don't care. I love you for who you are now."
"You're the best Moby."
Mobius wrapped Loki into his warm embrace, kissing his forehead. "Cuddles on the couch?"
"Yes." Loki smiled up, gratefully.
Loki stood up, Mobius held onto one of her arms.

The pair sat down on the couch, & flicked the tele box on. Loki grabbed Mobius' hand, "Cuddle."
Mobius wrapped his arms around Loki, laying his head on their stomach. Loki looked down at Mobius "You look cute Moby."
They went silent, watching whatever it was that Loki had chosen to watch. But before the God knew it, Mobius had fallen asleep on Loki's stomach. Loki laughed to himself, deciding to let Mobius sleep for a while. Eventually he would carry him to bed though.

After a few hours of watching, Loki was surprised that Mobius remained in his peaceful sleepy state. Loki could feel his eyes starting to become droopy, so he picked up Mobius, taking him into the bedroom. He placed Mobius on the bed, sliding in beside. "I love you Moby, sleep well." Loki planted a kiss on Mobius' head.
"Night Loki." Mobius wrapped his arms around Loki's body again, placing his head in the same position as before. Loki quickly fell asleep, they enjoyed the feeling of Mobius' warmth on her own body.

His name is Loki - LokiusWhere stories live. Discover now