Chapter 1

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I stood by the barn entrance, feeling on top of the world. The day before I had just gotten back from starring in another Welly Wong Broadway musical. To celebrate my arrival home, Nick took me out on a date to the nicest restaurant in town, as we hadn't seen each other physically in months. Now, it was my first day back teching the girls. Last year, at nationals, we were only a few points off of beating the Royaltons, so we really have to work harder than ever before. I started to set up for the lesson when Nick came in with Sarah and Michelle. The ran up behind me and scared the life out of me. Once I had calmed down from my mini heart attack, I pulled Michelle and Sarah into a massive hug for the first time in almost half a year. Then the rest of the girls piled into the barn and hugged me aswell. As much as I love being on Broadway, nothing beats the feeling of teaching and being around these girls and this town, it was home.

Whilst they were doing some technique work on the barre, I got Miss Barb to lead it whilst I had a conversation with Nick. 'Do Sarah and Michelle know?' I said whilst looking down at the ring on my finger. Last night, after our date, me and nick went back to my place for a cozy night in, but to my surprise, he proposed! He said he was gonna do it at the restaurant but word spreads way too quickly in this town. 'No, I thought you would want to tell them with all of the girls together.' I smiled at his response. 'You're so cute. I'll do it at the end of the rehearsal' I said, before giving him a peck on the lips and going back to the girls.

'Okay, ladies! Listen up, Oona, Lucia, that's twenty!' We laughed as they did they're push ups. 'Now once they are done, I have an announcement but until then, is there any questions?' Almost everyone put their hand up. 'June!' 'How was your show?' 'It was amazing! I missed you all so much though!' I said and June came up to give me a hug. Just as she went to sit down the other two girls came back over after push ups. 'Okay, announcement time! So as you know, me and Nick are together and last night something really exciting happened. So, long story short, I'm engaged!' I said as screams erupted from the little girls. They all ran up to me and gave me a massive hug and then forced Nick to come over and join us. They then started asking us a bunch of questions about how and when he did it, what the ring looked like and then Sarah asked the a question. 'Does this mean you're gonna be my sister in law?' I hadn't thought of that yet, but as that thought filled my head I couldn't help but smile. I nodded and she smiled too. 'Oh my god, that means I will too!' Michelle screamed making us all laugh.

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