6:The letter

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"Jason, no throwing knives around guests," Dick said in a stern voice. The knife in question was now jammed in the wall, barley missing Dick that had just come back from answering the door. Jason, the thrower in question, was fortunately not electrocuted- until he flipped him off. It was highly noticeable as Jason jolted quite violently, raising concerns between the oblivious young justice squad but the rest just kind of shrugged it off, Titus apparently wanted the voltage to be higher than normal, the bloody dog looked so smug. It wasn't addressed, "Anyway, it's for you."

The remaining three Wayne's perked up like meerkats with Wally and Roy joining in. Legally Jason's still dead. So either this was hand delivered or the mailman was just in a bored and twisted mood. The latter was likely but it didn't seem like the case.

The letter Dick had handed to Jason was a cream vintage colour, sealed with a red wax. Written in a posh cursive most of gen z can't read was J. Todd.

Cautiously, of course, Jason opened the seal. He cast a sceptical look at his brothers as a suspense filled the room, suffocating them. When the letter was full open a thud sounded through the room catching everyone's attention. M'gann had collapsed. Her body shaking as her eyes burrowed into the tallest brother. Her fall the perfect distraction from the flash of anger that rang through his eyes- litterly, they flashed a dark grey almost black for a brief moment while the room was distrcted with the dramatics. A small broken chuckle escaped Jason's mouth when he saw Conner rush to her side and the rest of the room tense up, and those who were sitting, now standing. "Karmas a bitch, Martian" was heard as said boy walked out the room, letter clenched tightly in hand. Dick motioned Roy to follow him after glancing back at the team nervously before leaving to follow the wayward soul. Logically electroction would have been dumb in that situation becuase they knew their brother and the way his demeniour changed means that you should probably tend to the fire then poke it. But that didnt change that he kinda wished he had as now they have the greuling task of finding him.

Granted it wasn't entirely fair to leave Tim and Damian to deal with that mess but in Dicks mind in was more important for them to find the living corpse right now considering M'ganns reaction was as dramatic and Jason's was defensive. So he and Roy brainstormed ideas of where the boy could have gotten in the time he was out of sight- which is litterly anywhere, I mean seriously- until the answer basically slapps them in the face. The dash through the oversized house was a speedy one like Roys old nickname, till they stood infront of a grand dark oak door however looks could be decieveing as both men were aware of the solid reinforced steel that keeps the room private. Luckily for Dick he has his dick of a problematic brothers boyfriend next to him which of whom could also be considered a dick- Anyway.

"Good luck, ill be out here if you need- and you might want to take this," Dick said as he handed him the remote with no explanation, Roy decided that the box was not his top priority as the oldest Wayne brother faded into the shadows. Fucking Bats.

Roy knocked on the door as it is etiquette before typing a password into the key pad to the left of the door. The room he was entering was one that he had only made a few visits to and also one of few to know the password to the doors security system; Jasons private library. It was grand with the walls covered in books ranging from books from the 1900s to old classics like Macbeth to comics all still managing to keep the old-timey steampunk the room just radiated; he'd also had sex with Jason in there as well so that was something. The man in question was sat in the light of the fire holding the letter looking as though his life story was playing deep behind his #ccd8c8 eyes. Knowing Jason he's pretending not to notice his presence but its better then getting a concusion from a particually hard book that one time.

Roy walked over to the suling boy and sat down behind him, wrapping his arms softly around his chest as to be careful around the way his body tensed and they just sat there while Jasons defences powered on and assesed the situation. Unfortunately for the younger, Roy had already burned the mysterious letter into his mind and its was blatently clear he was surpressing a voilent rage for the benifits of his man. Everything about this situation just read terribily impressive depressing timing. Roy trying to be cute and comforting while Jason stares fire into the item in his hands that displays one of the lowest points in his life. Two of his defining moments happening all in his safe space was enough to break any man with the conflicted emotions that spiral untamed around his head.

"Oh Jason..."
Roy's voice broke through the thick void that said boys mind was becoming- "I love you, always"

Jason threw the paper into the fire- not before turning it into a paper areoplane- wiping the evidance from hand but the image will remain burned beneath Roy's eyes till death. He could still see all the details clearly from the creases in the paper to the dark messy font of the writing, and that was almost terrifying.

His thoughts were broken when the younger lent back with his full body weight on Roy, a clear signal that whatever just happened was heavy but Jason's too stubborn for help so this is the alternative: Cuddles! Whoo, love shit. So they sat in the vintage but surprisingly high tech, cause high shelves are not helpful especially when they touch the ceiling, library waiting for something important to happen outside the door but pleasantly leaving the door to that world slightly closed.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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