3:The mission

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-jason pov-

As soon as me and dick got up stairs, something ran and knocked me to the ground before I could process what had happened Tim was sitting on my chest scolding me about how house arrest is my fault and killing is bad.

"Alright Tim, now...GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I yelled and then was shocked"shit"

"Don't yell at you brother" was all bride said as he passed us and went to the kitchen. The little basturd."I'm going to mount justice, a mission just came through, then I'm going to put joker back in Arkham and black mask in prison, don't kill each other while I'm gone and DON'T abuse the collar." And with that Bruce walked back down to the batcave.

"Sooooo, where's the demon?" I say out of curiousity"actually no scratch that whose clothes  am I wearing?" I said after realising I was in a gray shirt and sweatpants. I'm pretty sure I wasn't wearing those before.

"There your old ones jay it's just because your uniform was ripped and now your staying here."dick said. And with that I lost control over my emotions. Meaning that my eyes flashed with fear and went from neutral (light grey) to dark grey
And I think both dick and Tim saw it, "did you see the....." I trailed off not wanting to no there answers and hoping they didn't.
They both shared a glance then looked at me


They both said in sync.

-dick pov-

First his eyes flashed dark grey again, but then they blue and held his head in shame and sadness.
"You know there's a way of making it up to us for not telling us" a cheeky grin appears on Tim's face when I said that a I think we both had the same idea.

--mount justice--

-third pov-

The YJ team was just sitting in the living room trying to come up with a reasonable salutations to why nightwings and ,apparently red robins now to, eyes change colour and how they never noticed it before to. When the zetta tubes anounced the arrival of the dark Knight. As soon as the robotic female voice had stopped talking, batman said
"Team, You have a mission" and walked into the debriefing room. And the team followed. When they got there they noticed 4 teenaged boys on the holoscreen and batman began to explain the mission.

"These 4 boys are Bruce Wayne's sons, Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, Timothy Drake and Damian Wayne. It has recently been descoverd that Jason is being hunted down by black mask and joker your job is to protect the boys while I go after them." When Batman finished, he could see the amused looks on Wally's and Roy's faces "Pack your bags for at least a month you leave in 2 hours, they are meta's so be careful but Jason is coincidencenaly under house arrest and can't use his abilitys without his brothers pomission, don't ask about there powers unless they willingly volenteer, I've been informed it's a sensative topic." With that batman walked towards the zetta tubes and
"Recognised batman 02" rang through the mountain.

"Great stuck on baby sitting duty" Artemis growled and stormed off, any one could tell she's annoyed.

"I'll call nightwing and red robin and fill them in" wally said and sped away but not before giving Roy an amused look.

"This is going to be so much fun," M'gann squealed as everyone waled to there to to pack for the mission.


The bat boys eye colour code so I don't have to say what it means each time:

Orange:thoughtful(had an idea)

Purple: determined/passion
White:telling the truth
Brown:telling a lie
Ivry/ cream: mourning
Dark grey:fear

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