4:first impressions

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-third pov-

The YJ team has just finished packing and were all seated on the bio ship. As wally was telling the team about what red Robin and nightwing were doing they received a transmission from the birds themselves.

"Hey team KF told me about your mission, though unfortunately we can't come with due to helping batman with the hunt for black mask and the joker but we wish you good luck" nightwing said in a calm tone.

"Yeah, from past experiences the boys can be a little extreme, hyper active and over all hard to control so yeah good luck, don't die and we gotta go" red Robin said and hung up, not giving the young justice team to even speak to the boys. That's the bird boys for you, leaving everybody on edge and a little paranoid and spooked.

-------time skip cause I got better things to do then to describe the arguing between artemis and wally because we all know that's happening-----------------------------

The team of teens arrived at the Wayne mannor and wally ran out with his speed and Roy followed, both looking way too excited for baby sitting dutys in artemis' eyes, though it was explained why when the teens reached the door.

This was because before they could even knock, the door flung open to reveal a Butler in a posh black suit. Though this didn't fully explain why, what was going on behind him did.

Dick was hanging from the chandelier from his legs, eating a cookie upside down. Jason was on the indoor balcony thing on the wrong side of the rail with his legs dangling, eating a cookie. While Damian and Tim were wrestling in mid air. Jason was using his telekinesis to pick up a cookie for him and using it to also give some to Dick. Overall it was a strange sight to walk in on.

"Alright boys come meet the young justice team, without cheating." The Butler said in a thick and moist British accent as the teens landed from there leveitated spots in the mansions living room. The YJ team was let in and the Butler shut the door.
"My name is Alfred,  this is dick," Alfred said pointing to a boy with brown hair in a blue hoodie and a magnificent pair of blue tinted grey eyes who waved, "this is Jason," this time pointing to a boy with black hair in a black t-shirt and jeans with a weird black  had a pair of green tinted eyes who had his arms crossed and muscles tensed, he also seemed to be donning a collar around his neck which did not look comfortable, "this is tim," next was a relatively average male with blue tinted grey eyes, like dicks, in a yellow t-shirt who saluted with 2 fingers, "and lastly, this Damian." A small boy stood, pretty stiff, with an glare that could have killed someone, he also had blue grey eyes, he was wearing a yellow t-shirt and black shorts.

"First we already know who you are, so we dont need introductions," jason said but dick continued,"second, we'll take you to your rooms so follow us." And then the 2 walked towards a staircase while the other two ran off somewhere. Not to mention wally and Roy were practically bursting at the seems with laughter, trying ever so desperately to keep it together while they followed the others to their rooms.

"Maybe this will be more interesting than just baby sitting" artemis whispered to m'gann. Not noticing the way all 4 secret keeper smirked, knowing it could only get worse, chaotic and the havoc that was most definitely going to occur.


-*590 words*-

-*sorry I hope it isn't Shit or too short*-

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