Best Friends on Kakao

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Construction work. That's what it felt like; like someone was doing construction work inside your head as you woke up that morning. You tried to open your eyes, but was defeated by the bright sun light emerging through the windows. "What fucking time is it...?" you mumbled to yourself as your hand felt around for your phone, eyes still closed. Finally getting a grasp of the phone tucked under your thigh, you checked the time. 11:26 am you read with a sigh. You let your hand flop down on the matress again as you closed your eyes.

Getting out of bed was the last thing you wanted to do. The first being cussing out Giri for letting you get that drunk last night. You sat up and the bad taste in your mouth became apparent.

3 unread messages from G R Boy<3:

stay safe dumbass


remember to dissinffect that scraped kneegn

Scraped knee? You thought to yourself, and sure enough when you poked your knee out from under the blanket there was red bloody spot on your knee. You rolled your eyes and flopped down on your back again. As you went to check your other messages a specific person piqued your curiosity.

3 unread messages from Uknown User

Behind you


You said you'd text me a response

So if you don't that's mean

Get home safe

Ah, you thought as the first message in the chat log sent the memory of seeing Bloo into your head, must be him. You furrowed your eyebrows together and sighed.

You decided to respond, 'is this enough of a response for you, friend?' and not wanting to think more about him put your phone away, and decided to get up.

The warmth of the water soothed your pounding head, but your knee was in way more pain than before now. You thought back to last night, glimpses of Bloo's grin, the distance between you, his back disappearing into the crowd. All of it, it made you wanna pound your head against the bathroom tiles. You didn't ever wanna get drunk again, you couldn't even remember half of last night. You were only grateful your friend had been there to help you home.

Out of the shower, aka the shame chamber of your mind, you went to your phone again. Unexpectedly Bloo had messaged back already.

Haha yes

Wanna get a coffee today?

Helps with hangovers, you know

Damn he moves fast, you thought to yourself and before you could reply to his message he sent you another one.

Say no if you're busy

'I'm not, but why do you want to see me today? I'm too hungover..', you replied, and put sweatpants and a hoodie on.

I don't care about that. We have to talk

He sounds so serious, did something happen last night, you thought to yourself. While thinking back you went to get some food. Knowing very well you couldn't remember much of how the night ended, you were 95% sure you hadn't seen Bloo since Siyoung went to the bathroom. A memory did resurface, this one you weren't expecting though.

His cold hands were caressing your cheeks, firmly cupping your head. You could smell cigarettes, and mango. "Y/N you need to get your shit together, you're so drunk" the sentence came with a giggle. You glanced at the flush spreading across his face, as you clenched the sides of his dress shirt. You were both squatted outside, and you really had the urge to vomit. Your vision was blurry and your eyes couldn't focus at one spot at all. "Can you please drink just a little bit of this water", the bottle was reached out towards you, and he shook it a little. Your eyes connected with his, and it was- it was.... Siyoung.

Your phone dinged again, and you were pulled back into reality.

meet me at [address link]

Shaking off your previous thoughts, you quickly changed, threw on a jacket and left your apartment. Anything to not think about yesterday.

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