What Are We Celebrating

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Another week of school had ended and you were on your way out on another job. Zach had texted you throughout the week, at first acting like he was innocent, then asking for you guys to make up, and then calling you a slut for not wanting to. You scanned the unread messages from his profile, and then looked out the window of the car to take your mind of that day.

You got out of the taxi not long after and saw a friend waiting for you. "Hey y/n," you entered a warm embrace. "Hey Giri wassup" you chuckled out. You weren't one to make friends with celebrities but Giriboy just so managed to sneak up on you.

"Thanks for coming, seriously. And serious just call me Siyoung, how many times didn't I tell you, idiot." You laughed, genuinely for the first time in a while. "So what are we celebrating?" You asked, and he sent his signature wide smile with a giggle.

"Well actually I know I said i had a job for you, buuuut I just wanted you to come out for your sake, just this once". You looked at him baffled and then let out an involutary scoff. "Damn, okay, Giri, I appreciate the sentiment however I need money or I cannot stay in my apartment, you understand that right?" you curtly pointed out as you, both started walking.

Giri tilted his head slightly letting out a small whine, "I know but can you just this once, let me take you out for some fun. Just this one time, okay? I promise" he held up one finger while holding his hands together. Letting out a long exaggerated sigh, you complied "fine, one time, and you have to promise for real".

"Yeah yeah I promise" he said, dragging you along.

Soon enough you were stood in front of a club, at least you think that's what it was. You hadn't been there before, and all there was, was an old rusty looking staircase leading down to something. "So actually I'm gonna be playing a little, little, set, but I want you in the best seat of the house". He exaggerated by showing how little with his fingers close together.

You lifted an eyebrow at him, and popped an "okay?" to which he grabbed your hand and started leading you downstairs. "Which might be backstage- well like on the stage. Maybe. If you're up for it" he laughed out, leaving you no time to protest.

When you got inside, there was still time until Giri had to play, so you went to the bathroom and re-did your whole look since you weren't working. It was the first weekend in forever, you actually looked like yourself, and you felt somewhat relieved.

"Damn girl did you leave y/n in the trash and bring me a whole new one?" Giri joked as you returned to the table. You chuckled as you sat. "Oh stop it, you big flirt", you waved him off. "Seriously though, do I look okay?" you sincerely asked, head slightly tilted.

"No", Giri promptly said, analyzing your face closely, "way better than okay" he smiled at you. "You're too good to me man" you grinned, taking a sip of your drink.

As you were enjoying the show you heard someone familiar talking behind you, and true enough as you looked back you saw a redhaired man. He was busy getting his mic ready but when you made eyecontact he looked at you in confusion. Instantly your mind went to, if he's here, is he also here?

When he finished getting ready he came up to you and asked, "aren't you um that friend of Zach's?" Your hands almost instantly came togther in respect for the man, as you nodded slightly, "yeah..." you looked up in thought, "guess you could say that". Suddenly he lifted his head up as if something said ding in his head, followed by, "Oh you're the one who ran off!" and at his loud tone you flinched and quickly looked around to see if anyone caught that.

"Yeah, um, yeah that's, uh, haha, me" you became so awkward in an instant, but at the same time your mind seemed preoccupied by one question. You didn't get a chance to ask however as Nafla was pulled away.

Your attention went back to your friend on stage, and it almost took your mind off everything that had just fallen and cluttered together. After some time had passed he came back covered in sweat. "I'll be right back", he said with a smile and was off.

You took this chance to glance at your phone, and one message caught your attention.

Unknown Number: Behind you

Without thinking about it you looked behind you and was met with bloo's eyes. How the fuck... you thought to yourself. You sent an awkward half smile his way, and he came up to you. Oh god no.

"So I see your phone is working, yet you haven't answered my messages" he began, and you opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out. In a joking manner he continued, "seems fate is not just a passing moment". You cringed at the line, as did he, "sorry" he muttered, and you tried to hide the small chuckle that came out.

You bit down on your lip thinking about what to say as you were blanking. "About last time..." he said, "It really wasn't what you think. I promise, well, I mean, I was of course kind of hoping we could get to know each other 'cause I kinda think you're cool and maybe that could've lead to something but--" he cut himself off rambling.

"Can we just-" he said after taking a deep breath but at that moment Giri came up to you and he was cut off.

"Y/N, let's go, I have a table" he said, before seeing Bloo.

"Oh hello" he smiled at him but bloo for some reason didn't look as happy.

"Hello" he said monotonely.

"I have to go now Bloo" you said, "but thanks" you added as a response to his previous rambling.

You barely got one step away before Bloo grabbed your wrist and pulled you close. It might've been your imagination but it seemed as if you could feel his heartbeat. His lips grazed your ear, as he tightly held your wrist between you. "Please, call me Daniel", he whispered, shivers traveling your spine as you pulled back and looked into his eyes.

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