010| Little Old Me

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You don't need an invitation to join a party when your me.

Or when you are the ex daughter of the honoured guest.

"Look at them, no a care in their rich little asses.." Omar said, peaking through the skylight.

"They are about to have their night ruined.." Fluer giggled, laying down on that dirty ass roof next to her best friend.

"I'm not ruining their night, just simply, making it more fun.." I laughed, getting ready to make my entrance.

My personal plan was to enter the giant room unnoticed, teleport to a bathroom and then emerge, staying out of sight. I could mingle in plain sight, I had experience in that area.

It's not my first event crashing experience.

This particular event was in some large golden ballroom, a lot of money for Anthony to give a lot more money. Omar was a firm believer that this type of money should be used for good, not bombs in necks and red flashy suits. I think everyone was.

"You look stunning my dear, give them hell.." Wanda spoke, fixing my blazer.

I chose a white suit with a black lace number to put under it. Packed with some old jewellery some prince gave me, I think I was set to go.

"I will sweetheart, I adore you.." I smiled at her, kissing her cheek.

"Stop being so hot, it's annoying.."She giggled, sending me on my way.

"Alright team, I'm going in. If I haven't made a dramatic entrance in like, an hour, send help.." I said, saluting them all and teleporting in.

"This is going to be splendid.." Loki whispered to Celeste who was hanging on in their arms.

I landed in a super fancy bathroom, golden in colour. Although you could smell the campaign, rich white folk and political conversations from the other side of the door. The place I was required to be.

I opened the door seamlessly, trying to blend in, a hard thing to do when you are the best-looking person in the room. I walked around for a moment, picking up a glass of champagne as I walked , although that wasn't strong enough to help me with what I was going to have to deal with this evening.

Occasionally I'd look up to the ceiling through that massive skylight and saw some tiny looking head pop in and out of view. All their eyes were on me, eventually, that would be the same for everyone in the room.

I was about to really blow their socks off.

I peered around the room to make a mental list of the Avengers that resided in the same room as me.

The first time in four years that this had happened for them.

The only people I could see was Captain  no balls and Iron bitch boy. They probably only appeared to keep up public appearances, also to donate money to make him look like a good guy.

Everyone saw my tape Tony, they know what you did.

I stayed across the room from both of them, the goal was to be out of sight after all. I had quickly finished my first glass and moved on to another as I waited for the right moment to strike.

And I knew exactly when it was my moment.

The room went silent as some brown-haired man gathered everyone's attention on the microphone, waiting till he could have the pin dropping silence.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to present to you tonight biggest donator and the man who made this entire night possible. He is an inspiration and role model to young people and has been so generous in his act this evening. May I have the honour of introducing, Mr Tony Stark!" He called out as the room erupted into applause.

Everyone in that room was clapping but me, although the focus was on the idiot who was smiling and waving at those in the room, probably just boosting his ego even more.

"Oh calm down, calm down, it's just little old me!" Tony said in his sarcastic attempt to be humble, "Well look, I'm just a man, a man with a big heart.." He said, going and standing on the second step of that grand ass staircase.

I mean I was the only one in that room not buying into his wholesome 'I love everyone and everyone loves me' bullshit. He can't honestly be serious. Nah I'm gonna bust his ass now.

"I think-" He spoke, only to get interrupted

"I think that everyone here is getting bored of your dry, basic speeches. I mean it's been year's of your same bullshit.."

I appeared behind him at the top of the grand staircase, holding a glass of champagne my hand. The room went into a ghostly silence. I looked down at him, his face had gone completely pale and he did not know what to do.

"Some of you seem confused, do you not know who I am?" I laughed, walking down a few steps, "Well for those confused individuals, my name is Y/N Maximoff. Ex-Avenger, ex-daughter of some of the people in here. God, I've really left you all speechless.." I laughed again, seeing Steve cut right in front of everyone to get beside Tony.


"Well, don't let 'little old me' spoil your evening, carry on with your night.." I spoke, meeting the end of the stair and finally coming face to face with my attempted murders.

They looked shocked, really shocked. I mean, they did for obvious reasons.

"I'm looking pretty good for a dead bitch.." I grinned at them both.

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