024| Taylor Swift

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"The world moves on another day another drama, drama. But not me, not me, all I think about is karma"

-Taylor Swift

She has many life lessons we can learn from but daily, I think about karma. She got hers on Kanye, I'll get mine on Steve and Tony. In a unique setting, one they wouldn't approve of.

At 30 Rockefeller Plaza, of course.

"Tonight is a very special night, because I have no idea who the guest is!"

Jimmy Fallon opened his show that night in a flight of confusion, for the first time ever, he wasn't told who would be the guest on his show.

"I know one of our producers know and said when they found out, they were shocked. So, let's see who's gonna come up the elevator!" He yelled, the audience erupting into applause.

Usually, guests on that show arrived up in the elevator, revealing them to the people watching the show. Although this time, the elevator was left empty and Jimmy Fallon was left on his earpiece.

"What's happening where is the-"

His whispers were cut off by the lights cutting off, sending minor panic throughout the studio and Jimmy stood up from his seat to investigate. Before long, the lights returned.

To see me, sat in Jimmy's seat with my legs resting crossed on his desk, leaving the crowd shocked.

"You really didn't think you'd see the lady of me, did you?" I said in a calm tone.

Jimmy lost his shit.

"I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN! YOU AND YOUR DRAMA I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!" He cried out as he ran towards me, pulling me in for a hug.

"You know it's nice to see you too Jim!" I laughed, accepting the hug.

The crowd was still cheering as I stepped forward for my Twitter breaking bow. We sat down opposite each other and although it took Jimmy a moment to speak, eventually he could get words out.

"You had to be on the front page of everything, didn't you?" He laughed, still not believing me.

"You know I'm all about the drama, that never changed.." I smiled.

"So four years ago, you posted a video to all of your social media accounts about Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, then you and Wanda Maximoff disappeared. Now your back, we need everything!" He spoke.

"Well as I said in that video all those years ago, people who I believed were my parents stuck a bomb in my neck. As a parent, you should trust your child, believe in your child. My wife and I would never do that to our daughter-"

"DAUGHTER, WIFE?!" Jimmy screamed.

I forget how much of a shock it is that I actually became the family woman that society pushed me to be.

"I married Wanda Maximoff, as I told you a would. Heck, I have you my word on it!" I laughed.

"So your?"

"Y/N Maximoff. My daughter is Celeste Maximoff, she's wonderful really. Like a complete mix of her mothers. We've had some completely amazing years and for the next six months, you have my family to stay on earth!" I told him.

"You make a return to earth to blow up Twitter, what is the weirdest experience you've had since coming home?"

"Actually on the way here I ran into Taylor Swift. I almost passed out, she almost passed out. I got a selfie-and her number and when we parted ways, I passed out. You know, I listened to "look what you made me do" before making my return.." I added.

Like Taylor once said, she did something bad, but then she questions why it felt so good. That's how I felt, so good.

"How did you reunite with Steve and Tony?" Was Jimmy's next question.

"You ever wondered why the pair were seen running out of Starks charity gala a few days ago? That was me, and I don't regret it.." I shrugged making him shocked.

"Have you checked Twitter, where the hell did you go?!" He asked.

"You were never gonna find me, unless NASA helped.." I begin, "For the past four years I've been in space, I came to earth a few times to check-in and I saw you all searching for me but sadly, I wasn't coming home.." I spoke, trying to make that stan's a bit happier than they probably would be to know I abandoned them.

"Why did you come back now?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out.." I winked, he flashed a smile. "But I am on a time crunch so earth, I have been Y/N Maximoff, good night!"

The lights flashed off again and when they returned, I was gone. Gone back to the tower and ready for the one condition of that deal I made to be completely crushed.

Although when I walked through that door, it wasn't the bomb squad that I was met with, it was my wife.

And she was pissed.

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