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Lola cringed as she followed along with the choreography that Mr

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Lola cringed as she followed along with the choreography that Mr. Schue created, Kurt and the Unholy Trio gave her sympathetic looks, knowing that Rachel was stopping her from being able to do what she does best. 

"Five, six, seven, eight. Step and step. Step and step. And turn it around. Down and up. And hit, hit down hit." Mr. Schue instructed, Lola growled sitting down on the floor, she refused to dance any of this. Finn smiled at her, running his through her hair. 

"Can we stop, please?" Rachel said, Brad thankfully stopped playing, Kurt turned to help his twin off the floor. "You don't have to ask me every time for permission to go to the bathroom, Rachel. You can just go." Mr. Schue said blandly, Lola and Santana bit their lips to stop from laughing out loud. 

"It's not my bladder. It's the choreography." Rachel said, the Hummel twins gave her a blank look, they had been saying that since day one, and it wouldn't be if she just let Lola do the choreography. "I gotta run." Lola sighed looked at the clock, Kurt nodded but she got a few looks. 

"Wait. Where are you going? Why is she leaving?" Rachel complained, Lola spun around to glare at the girl. "She is leaving because every week she goes to the children's hospital and reads to the kids during her free period." Lola spat before leaving the room, Kurt sighed, his sister wasn't one to brag about what she does, she simply does it because she loves it.

"Okay, what's wrong with the choreography?" Mr. Schue asked bringing the topic back to what it originally was about. "It sucks." Rachel stated plainly, Kurt rolled his eyes. "We can't compete with vocal adrenaline with these steps. You're a great vocal coach, Mr. Schue, But you're not a a trained choreographer. That's what we need to be the best. We need Dakota Stanley." She continued, Quinn glared at the girl, that was not the plan.

"Here's an idea, let Lola do her job." Mercedes sassed, Rachel looked appalled by the idea as everyone murmured their agreement. "Just because he understudied doesn't mean he ever performed." Mr. Schue said calmly despite his own thoughts.

Quinn stepped forward, upset that her plan hadn't gone perfectly the way she wanted, she could still work with it. "Did you ever perform, Mr. Schuester? After high school. Did you even try?" The room fell into an uncomfortable silence.


Finn and Lola sat together at the piano when Rachel walked in with a plate of cookies. "He's not coming." Rachel said causing Lola to roll her eyes, Finn squeezed her hand to stop her from snapping at the girl. "What happened?" Finn asked the girl looking up from the keys. Rachel winced before explaining what happened in the classroom.

"Of course he doesn't want Anything to do with us after you kicked him in the nads." Lola spat glaring at the brunette. "Nice kitty." Finn cooed to calm the girl down before turning back to Rachel. "Then why did he thank me?" Rachel asked in disbelief as she set the plate on the piano.

 Lola stood up going over to Brittany who hugged her tightly as she sat in her lap. "The goal is to win. And now that Mr. Schuester has agreed to let us hire Dakota Stanley, we can." Santana said, wincing at Lola's suspicious glare. 

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