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At William McKinley High-school you are either a somebody or a nobody, or if you're really lucky you're like me. A middle man, someone who doesn't fall into either group but has enough standing with the somebodies that your left alone, even if your brother isn't.

"You got this." Lola said dusting off her twins jacket before his audition. "You'll be there." Kurt wasn't nervous and he wasn't asking it. Every time either of the Hummel twins did anything, the other was there to support the other. "Front row. Right behind Mr. Schue." Lola and Kurt smiled at each other as they hugged each other before separating. "Hello, I'm Kurt Hummel, and I'll be singing "Mr. Cellophane"." 


Rachel, Tina, Mercedes, Kurt, and Artie are rehearsing "Sit Down, You're Rockin' The Boat" from Guys and Dolls while Will is directing. The choreography and singing was terrible, well not the singing but all together it was terrible. Kurt failed to lift and spin Tina and Artie rolled into a wall.

"We suck." Rachel said once the song was over, dropping her arms down. Kurt frowned, this was something that Lola could help with, if Mr. Schue approved. "Uh, it... It'll get there. We-we just need to keep rehearsing." Will said smiling at the four softly, trying to find a positive. 

"Mr. Schuester, do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to give the lead solo in "Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat" to a boy in a wheelchair?" Rachel protested gesturing to Artie who was rolling himself back over to the group. "I think Mr. Schue is using irony to enhance the performance." Artie explained when he got there, looking at everyone, Will nodded at him.

"There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!" Rachel exclaimed before storming out of the room. "Rachel! Rachel!" Mr. Schue called out before sighing, Kurt stepped forward. "I assume you all know my sister, Lola Hummel." Kurt said glancing around, everyone smiled. "Yeah, she's always there to clean us up after being slushied." Mercedes said, the small brunette was always the first on scene to get them to a bathroom, everyone knew she couldn't stop it, but she is always there to help after.

"Lola always has someone put me back in my wheelchair if I get knocked over." Artie said, they were never happy to do it, but the girl would pout and they would cave. "She's my top student, and she runs a tutoring station for people who need it." Mr. Schue said, wondering where this came from. "My sister is a literal goddess, ask anyone, but that isn't the point I'm trying to make. Lola is an amazing dancer, and no offense, your choreography isn't the best but hers is. Would you mind if she comes in as our official choreographer?" Kurt explained, hopeful that Mr. Schue will see reason. "Have her come in." The remaining Glee members cheered.


Finn walks into the auditorium, Lola skipping in behind him. "Kurt!" Lola cheered skipping over to her twin and hugging him. "Artie." She pecked his cheek before going over to Mercedes. "Mercedes." She bumped hips with the girl. "Tina." Lola spun Tina around before hugging her. 

"You." The younger Hummel twin walked away from Rachel, she had a very valid reason to, and everyone at McKinley High knew it. "They aren't dancing yet, so come sit down." Mr. Schue said smiling at the girl as she skipped over taking a seat at the piano.

Finn began singing "You're the One That I Want." from Grease, Lola beams proudly as Rachel perks up. Rachel joins in walking over to Finn who looked terrified, Lola shot up when she pushed Artie's chair, he would have rolled off the stage if Mr. Schue hadn't caught him. Rachel grabbed Finn's arm and began tugging before Mercedes stepped between them while everyone looked horrified.

"Oh, hell to the no. Look, I'm not down with this background singing nonsense. I'm Beyonce. I ain't no Kelly Rowland." Mercedes protested stepping forward. "No you are not." Lola nodded with a fond smile. "Okay, look, Mercedes, it's just one song." Mr. Schue said trying to calm the girl down. 

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