Mall Hangout (Marcy x Clingy Fem!Reader)

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Requested by: strawberry_blossom26
Wtf do you call it when you hang out with your friends at a mall?

Requested by: strawberry_blossom26 Wtf do you call it when you hang out with your friends at a mall?

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Marcy's P.O.V

(Y/n) and I (Is that right? Idk my teachers always say it's like that) were playing video games at my house. I hear my phone buzz beside me so I pause the game causing (Y/n) to look over. "Why'd you stop the game?" (Y/n) asks me in a soft voice clearly confused. I pick up my phone telling her someone was texting me. She looks over my shoulder curious on who interrupted the game.


Sasha: Hey me and Anne r at the mall rn and we were wondering if u wanted to come

Me: Ya, I'll be there in a few minutes 🙂

Sasha: K see u soon

I put my phone back down and look over at   (Y/n) who was frowning. "Are you leaving already?" (Y/n) lays her head onto my lap. I blush a little at her action.

"I haven't hung out with Anne and Sasha in a while. We've been playing games for an hour or two anyways." I pat her head and  kiss her forehead, "I'll be back soon anyways." She nods still pouting. I look at her then at my phone then back to her thinking, "Will you be happy if I bring you with me?" I smile seeing her smile while intensely nodding. I stand up and open the door with (Y/n) following behind me, "Mom, we're going to the mall!" I yell loud enough so my parents can hear, "I'll be back around 9:00!" I hear my mom shout okay.

-Time skip to the mall brought to you by Marcy and (Y/n) taking the bus-

I was walking around the mall holding (Y/n)'s hand so she doesn't wander off. I then hear someone calling my name. I turn towards the voice and see Anne and Sasha waving towards us. I start running towards them smiling, "Hi! Sorry if I'm a bit late. (Y/n) wasn't letting me leave her." Anne laughs upon(?) hearing that. I give both of them a quick hug before hearing a hiss. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me hearing a soft, "Mine." Anne and Sasha both start laughing even harder as I my face starts heating up.

"Haha, don't worry we won't steal your girlfriend." Sasha says between laughs. I take a few deep breathes calming down making my blush go away, "You can stop laughing now." I mumble still a little embarrassed. After a few more second of them laughing they calm down having to take a few deep breathes.

"O-okay what store should we go to first?" Anne asks still panting. I look around and the shops near us spotting Hot Topic. "How about Hot Topic?" I respond pointing to the direction of it. The two agree as I feel (Y/n) move to hold my hand instead. We walk towards the store talking about what we should buy.

I look at the pins finding cute ghost pins grabbing two, one for me one for (Y/n), and showing her. She smiles grabbing one before pulling me towards the shirts. She points towards a (F/A) (Favourite Anime or show if you don't watch anime) shirt. I grab a medium size one for her looking at the price. Oh god, it's $24, that's so much. But (Y/n) really wants it. "Are you sure you want this?" I ask her trying not to break her heart, "it's $24." She frowns slightly before smiling.

"You don't need to buy it if you don't want too!" (Y/n) says putting it back. I smile letting out a quite sigh. I hear Anne say my name from the cashier. "Are you done?" Anne asks putting money onto the table. I silently nod lining up behind her. I pay for the pins giving (Y/n) hers after.

(This is what the pins look like btw)

(This is what the pins look like btw)

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I watch as she puts it in her pocket making sure it won't fall out

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I watch as she puts it in her pocket making sure it won't fall out. "So, where too next?" I hear (Y/n) ask looking at the others. I start thinking of other shops that are here. I suddenly hear someone's stomach growl. "Is anyone else hungry?" Anne asks having a funny looking smile on her face. We all start heading towards the food court while talking about school.

-Time skip to after they ate because I have school I have 2 hours-

(Y/n)'s P.O.V :O

Marcy, Anne, Sasha, and I had just finished eating when I hear Marcy's phone buzz again. "Who's that?" I ask assuming it's a message from someone. "My Mom, she wants me to go home now." I nod, "If you're going I'm coming with you." We say our goodbyes and start walking to the bus together. After about 10 minutes the bus arrives and we just sit together in a comfortable silence, the only sounds being the bus driving on the road. I lean my head in Marcy's shoulder falling tired from walking almost all day. Not long after I fell asleep.

"-ake up, I hear Marcy say as she shakes me slightly, "we're here." I open my eyes to see that we're at our stop so I grab my stuff and Marcy's hand and go out. We start walking to her house having a small conversation about what to do tomorrow. We were now in front of her house as I stare at her for a minute or two. "Why are you staring at me? Do I have something on my face?" Marcy asks clearly confused.

"No, you're just really cute." I say watching her start to blush. I give her a quick peck on the lips before walking towards my house. I turn around one last time to see Marcy still standing there flustered.


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WOOOAH ONE OUT OF EIGHT DONE. If you couldn't tell I 100% gave up on the last part. I have school in about an hour and 30 minutes so I'm speed running this. Sorry for the late update, school just started and Ive been trying to do good. I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope you have/had a good day/afternoon/night!

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