A/N (Omg, I'm alive!)

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Hiiiiii, yea so I'm not dead. I'm still taking a good 'ol break but I just started working on one of the old requests although its been forever... This note is honestly just to say how proud I am with how far this one shot book has gotten!! Thank's for everyone's support and everyone who has stuck around for the journey! I love writing for you guys I've just been lacking motivation lately- I do think I'll be posting a request sometime this month and yea...

But really, thank you guys so much for staying and reading this. Honestly if it weren't for all those comments that made me laugh and you guy's voting on my chapters I probably would have given up after my first few requests. I really love you guys and hope you continue to try and stay updated when I post. You guys are actually the best <3

Also, please stop bullying me for my cringy first few one-shot's 😭 This is my first time sharing my writing publicly/writing publicly. I also do cringe when I read my early... work? Is that the right word? I might rewrite those one day because I keep rereading my one-shots and mentally sobbing at those- PLUS I WAS LIKE 12 OR 13 WHEN I WROTE THEM, MY BRAIN ISNT/WASNT FULLY DEVELOPED

Anyways, I hope you guys stay strong and have an awesome morning/afternoon/night! I miss you al <333

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