New Student (Sasha x Fem!Reader)

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Requested by: gayformarcy
I had no wifi so I started writing this. This is if Marcy didn't find the portal and moved schools.

 This is if Marcy didn't find the portal and moved schools

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3rd P.O.V
It has been about a week since Marcy moved and Sasha has been feeling pretty bored. There was going to be a new kid coming to her school and apparently she was supposed to give them a tour. "Sasha Waybright, please come to the office." Sasha heard the speakers say. She rolled her eyes as she walked past a bunch of student whispering about the new kid. As she entered she saw a (y/h) (Your height) kid with
(h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. Sasha blushed before shaking her feelings away. "Hello! I'm (Y/n) (L/n) and I assume you're supposed to be helping me today!" The new girl exclaims a little to excitedly. Sasha nods, "Ya, follow me or whatever." Sasha walks out of the office with
(Y/n) following her not far behind like a lost duckling. (Y/n) looks at her surroundings seeing a lot of kids whispering to each other. "Soooo, how long have you been attending Saint James Middle School?" (Y/n)'s asks trying to start a conversation. Sasha instead just ignored her leaving the poor girl confused.

After a few minutes of walking Sasha speaks up while pointing to a room, "This is the cafeteria if you couldn't tell." (Y/n) looks too her left to indeed see a cafeteria. Huh, isn't as small as I thought it would be, she thinks to herself. The two continue walking in silence. (Y/n) starts feel self conscious as she continues to hear people whispering to each other about her. "I heard she beat up some kid." "I heard that she f**led her teacher." "She's such a sl*t." (Y/n) reached into her pocket to grab headphones. She stopped when she felt a hand grab her wrist. "Just ignore them. I know that none of what they're saying is true." Sasha said as she briefly stopped walking. (Y/n) nodded, trying her hardest to ignore everyone that was talking trash about her. Sasha looks at her clearly seeing how sad she felt.

Sasha took a deep breathe. "EVERYONE SHUT UP!" She yelled. Everyone went quiet, looking towards the popular girl. "Who started these rumours?" Sasha asks, glaring at one of the students. The student points towards a specific ginger haired girl, Gabby. Gabby gives a death glare to that kid before looking back at Sasha, "It wasn't me-" she was cut off by, "If you ever do something like this again I won't be inviting you to any of my parties, forever." Gabby's eyes widen in shock, stuttering over her words, "I- uh- F-fine. Not like I cared anyways." She walks away embarrassed. "Everyone else, go back to doing your own stuff." Sasha commands as everyone starts scattering. Sasha then continues to walk as if nothing even happened. What was that?! (Y/n) asks herself, jogging a little to catch up with Sasha, so, she's just gonna ignore what just happened?! Sasha starts pointing out more classes and other areas of the school while the poor girl following her was lost in her thoughts.

"-and that's basically the whole school." Sasha says. (Y/n) snaps out of her thoughts, only hearing the last part of Sasha's sentence. "If you need help with anything just come find me or whatever." Sasha explains, pulling out a sticky note and handing it to (Y/n), "This is my phone number so if you can't find me you can call me." (Yes she just has sticky notes with her phone number on it with her.) (Y/n) only nods, her grip tightening on the note. (Y/n) opens her mouth to say something to Sasha, only to find that she left a few minutes ago.

-Time skip to Lunch because idk what to do <3-

(Y/n) looks around for her new friend, Amity. As she's looking she finds Sasha with another person. She starts walking towards Sasha with a big smile on her face. "Heyyyyyy Sasha," the (h/c) girl starts, "I just wanted to thank you for what you did this morning." A small blush appears on the blond girls face, "Ya, don't mention it. I mean, it wasn't anything really, I just told them to stop bothering you." (Y/n) grabs Sasha's hand making her blush more, "You don't know how glad I am that you helped me." (Y/n)'s smile never leaving her face as she starts to walk away, "Oh, and if you ever want to talk again, I wrote down my phone number on that note." Note? What note? Sasha asks herself, looking around. She looks at her hand to find a small folded white paper there. As she looks back up she sees that (Y/n) has left to go find her friend again.

"Soooooo Sash, who was that?!" Anne says, making Sasha jump due to her forgetting she was there. "It was just the new kid." Sasha says back, tucking the note into her pocket. "'Just the new kid?!' Girl, do you know how much you were blushing when she touched your hand??!!" Anne exclaims. Sasha looks down embarrassed, "Can we just go back to eating." "Okay, Miss Lovergirl." Anne teases the blond girl. "Shut up." Sasha mumbles, quickly finishing her lunch.

"I'm gonna go now." Sasha says with a smile. "Already? Fine, bye Sash!" Anne waves to Sasha as she walks away, towards (Y/n)'s table. Her heart starts beating faster the closer she got to (Y/n)'s table. "Hey (N/n) (Nickname) it's fine if I call you that, right?" Sasha says as she stands behind (Y/n). (Y/n) turns around with a slightly confused look on her face, "Oh! Hi Sasha, why are you here? Didn't I talk to you like 4 minutes ago?." Sasha's face heats up, "Ya, but I was wondering if I could sit with you and your friend." (Y/n) looks to her friend, Amity, for permission. Amity nods with a smirk on her face. "Hey, my name's Amity and I'm gonna assume your name is Sasha, due to what (Y/n) said." Amity tells Sasha. Sasha nods, "I'm sure you've heard lots of things about me from a lot of people." Amity shakes her head, "I don't listen to what people say most of the time." (Y/n) looks at the two of them confused, "Why would people be talking about you?" Sasha chuckles, "Of course you don't know, I'm like one of the most popular people in the school, duh." (Y/n)'s eyes widen, "So, that's why everyone listened to you earlier! I guess I'm lucky I'm friends (gonna make y'all call (Y/n) adrien <3) with a popular kid." She smiles widely. Sasha feel a small pain in her heart when she hears (Y/n) say friend.


Sasha jumped onto her bed, something small falling out of her pocket and onto the floor as she pulled her phone out. She picks it up too find it's the note with (Y/n)'s phone number. She stares at it for a minutes before imputing the numbers into her phone. She texts the number.

Sasha: Hey, it's Sasha

Oh, Hey Sasha! I see you put my phone number in! :(Y/n)

Sasha: Yep!

Sasha smiles seeing that (Y/n) answered right away. The two of them continue to text each other until night time came. Sasha texts (Y/n) goodnight before turning her phone off. She couldn't sleep all night without thinking of
(Y/n). Ugh, why cant I get her out of my head?!, Sasha complains to herself, It's not like I like her or anything! There's no way Anne was right, right? I mean, she has really pretty (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair. She kinda reminds me of Marcy in a way. Hey personality is really cute too- NO! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT SASHA WAYBRIGHT! THERE IS NO WAY YOUR INTO HER!! Or am I... Sasha got no rest that night.


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HEY GAYS, THEYS, AND STRAIGHTS!! I HAVE FINISHED THIS THING AND IM GLAD. I KEEP OPENING AND CLOSING THIS STORY AND NOW ITS DONE. Should I do a part two? Idk it's up to y'all!!!! I hope you all enjoyed this one shot and I hope you all have a great day/afternoon/night!!! I love you all in a platonic way! <3 💖💕💖💕


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