(Rovis)Sleepover of secrets

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Narrator\Author's POV

So here the gang(+Shawn) is having a sleepover at Rose's house on Earth.And dont ask how the blonde duo convinved Cinderella🙂.

THE SLEEPOVER(Literally happening right here,right now)
(Rose's POV)

Me and my friends are having a sleepover at my house and It was soooo
fun!...Until we got to the truth or dare and Astoria asked me if I had any ex-relationships.Of course I cant tell them I have one,only Shawn knows.Not that I trusted him more than my other friends,but sure he's like a little brother to me,he just knowed,he is Travis' cousin.Travis...Ever since Snowwhite broke us up,we just stayed in the friendzone.I dont get it,What stupid law it is for a Cinderella forbidden to be with a Beast!?.*sigh* I guess I just have to tell everyone the WHOLE story

Flashback when damn Snowwhite broke them up(P.S.I do not hate any disney princesses)
(No one's POV)

(So this was about a year ago,and so on😀)

'You two need to broke up!' Snowwhite demanded 'B-but why Proffesor!?' Rose stuttered 'We love each-other!' Travis fighted 'Even if.But you have to broke up,its for your own sake and for your own good' Snowwhite said calmly 'How it is for our own good when you're seperating us! Granny say something'
Rose begged 'Sorry dear.Im only the representative of the six great families,not the leader.So I-I cant decide of what your gonna do! Im sorry Rose' Cinderella apologized and Rose is about to burst into tears 'Then even if Professor! You cant just seperate two people that are inlove!' Travis still argued 'Well sorry but I have to.Unless you want all civilans of the land be banished to Earth' Snowwhite said coldly.Rose couldnt beleive it,she just let her tears flow 'Im so sorry Rose' Travis said tearing up 'Me too Travis,farewell'
Rose replied painfully 'Alright we'll break up' Rose said with pain,hatred,coldness in her voice.She hates to let go,even for the person she hates,but this one is the person she loved 'Good.And you have to stay that way FOREVER.The only contact you'll be in is friendzone' Snowwhite finished.Rose just coudnt take it,she ran out of the office away from everyone,where she'll be alone Earth.

End of Flashback...
(still Rose's POV)

I told them the whole thing and they were surprised,shocked that I had an ex-relationship,even Shawn who actually heard of that story before cried.I hugged him,he was like a brother to me 'Shhh Shawn its ok' I patted his back 'Sis *sniff* its just so sad' he explained.I began tearing up too but hearing him call me sis always make me feel better.Then out of nowwhere my eyes landed on Travis,he was sobbing quietly.I began to cry it out too.As I recalled all my memories with him:When he asked me to be his girlfriend,our first kiss,first date,and EVERYTHING just makes me so sad.Then it was Shawn's turn to comfort me 'Shhhh sis remember? everything is gonna be ok' he reminded me my own words as he patted my head because he's taller than me 'Thank you for always being there for me little bro' I cried at his shoulders 'Yeah always sis' he assured,I smiled.(Im actually crying rn too😢😭😭😭😖)

Travis' POV

As Rose narrated our whole 'ex-relationship story' I just couldnt taked it!.And as I saw her comfort Shawn original me would just laugh at him,BUT HOW COULD I BE!? he's crying for our relationship! One of the things I love about my cousin.He was like a little brother to me and Rose,sometimes we just treat him like our own son when we were still together.I just couldnt hold in my tears so much longer,so I sobbed quietly remembering all our moments together....'Rosella,I still love you' I said in my mind

Astoria's POV

I listened when Rose narrated her whole ex-story.When she finished,I actually felt bad for forcing her to tell us about it.I saw her being comforted ny his little brother and in the corner of my eye,saw Travis sobbing quietly.I approached Rose and gave her a hug as I feeled my eyes tearing up too 'Rose Im sorry if I have to force it out of you' I apologized in between sobs 'No Astoria,Im just being emotional.I-I just cant accept it that she broke us up! I know she was just lying then to make us let go of each-other,broke up and I-I just cant accept the fact!' Rose shrieked as she just continue to cry more harder.
Then Travis approached us 'Look Rose I know she was just lying too.Even if were just in friendzone,I still understand the things that you do Rose.
I still love you,and I know you do too Rosella' Travis confessed.Then Rose looked up 'Look we can fight this.......
together' Travis finished.Then I let go of Rose as I know I may ruin a moment

Third Person's POV

'Look we can fight this.......together' I finished and I saw Rose's face lighten up.I held her hands and started again
'Forever,as always' she looked surprised and I leaned in then pressed my lips against hers.I felt her soften,she returned the kiss similarly.After that we broke the kiss in need of fresh oxygen 'So we're back?
I asked.she just kissed me at the cheeks
'Does that answer your question?' she lets go,I blushed.

Shawn's POV

When I saw the scene of my favourite couple's comeback.I couldnt control my mouth that I inherted from Big sis 'YEAH! ROVIS HAS A COMEBACK!
IF I WILL NOT GET TO BE THE BESTMAN AT THE WEDDING,I WILL MAKE SURE HOLA BITCHES WILL BE KILLED😎' I exclaimed.Oh and my potty mouth from Big cous.I like to call myself 'their son'😀.


Travis:So this is the title you were talkin' about Snowy?

John(I'll just put him as that cuz I already revealed his name):Why does it have to be so sad!

Me:Hey! I cried my natural tears too!
And Travis,John this is not the only title that has Rovis and sad moments in it~*grins*

John:Oh hell Im out of here

Me:Sorry but you cant

Travis:So theres more 'Rovis' moments in the future?

Me:Yes.But maybe I can bend the rules and write couple lemons,smuts,li-

Rose:Hey Snowy 'ya forgot that we can teleport here too?

Shawn:Sorry but bend the rules in your dreams,we blondes are forever,ever innocent

Me:Well I can make you all do anything since Im an Author

Shawn:Oh yeah? then make me kiss To-

Me:*made him kiss Astoria* I also have advance hearing

Shawn:*back off from the kiss* Yep definetly do not mess with Snowy

Me:roses.Okay anyways,thank you for the readers who read this chapter-

T,R,S and J:Byeeeeeeee🧡💗💛💙

Me:Oh c'mon!

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