Chapter 3

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"Wait a minute, what kind of food do we need to buy?" Stefan asks Ivan when they arrive at the mall.

"I don't know why you're asking me. Try to call the boss and ask him," Ivan said. Which made Steffan roll his eyes.

"Yeah, it makes sense. Next time I will not ask you again. I forgot your brain is in your foot," Steffan said before he took his phone to his pocket and dialled the number of their boss.

"What? Are you looking down on me? As if your brain is not in your foot too," Ivan responds. Steffan frowned and raised his middle finger to Ivan. Ivan wants to tease him more so he shows his tongue out.

"You act like you're still a child," Steffan said. He didn't continue to call their boss because he was still arguing with Ivan.

"Whatever." Ivan shrugged his shoulders to surrender and Steffan tried to ignore his friend before he continued to call their boss.

After a Few Minutes, he tries to call him and finally, Gulf answers it.
"Yes?" Gulf asks at the other line.

"Boss, what food do we need to buy? This person beside me is useless," Steffan said. Ivan poked him in his waist and made Steffan flinch but he didn't forget to glare at Ivan even if he wanted to shout at him It's not the right time. The thing is many people passing by and the other one is Gulf is listening he doesn't want to receive a punishment he knows how Gulf is sensitive when they start arguing when it comes to serious talking.

"What do you want?" Gulf asked in the other line. Steffan is still waiting for what he will order from them.

"I want fries," They eyebrows when they heard a child's voice.

"OK just buy anything and buy fries, I'm hanging up just to be faster. Did you get my card to my room Use that" Gulf said before he hung up. He didn't even let them respond to him.

Steffan and Ivan look confused about what they heard. It's kind of odd to hear a child with their boss beside Gulf doesn't like a chill and tells them they're annoying.

"Who was that?" Ivan asked. His eyebrows were frowning, also curious about the kid at the line earlier.

"Why are you asking me? You can see that we are together to ask me who that was. Stupid" Steffan started to walk through inside the mall.

"Don't call me stupid I'm just asking you know," Ivan said but his face was telling otherwise. Instead of feeling offended his face was smiling like an idiot.

"Yeah, whatever…." The two of them are always arguing when they are on the other side.

They're many things that they argue about but all of that is just unreasonable, like they just can't live without fighting every day.

Gulf pov

"What grade are you?" I asked. To This kid, we still waiting for Steffan and Ivan

"Kindergarten" I smiled. He knows what he should answer.

"So why are you here?" I asked because he is supposed to be in the school right?

"I'm studying at home. My teacher went to our house and taught me. Daddy said that I can't go to the school yet because no one can accompany me." I know how lonely he was. Why is his father not letting him go to school? Many children his age can go to kindergarten without anyone but it's still dangerous. I know why his father was overprotective.

"So you don't have any friends?" I asked if he just stared at me before he answered.

"I have one now," he said as I glanced at him.


"You. At least have a friend right?" I smile so I'm the only one.

"I'm too old to become your friend," I said but he pouted at me. I can't help but pinch his cheeks.

"But how can I address you?" He said while pouting but I still pinching his cheeks.

"Ok fine I'm your friend don't pout your cuteness is hard to handle," I said while pinching his cheek.

"Aww don't pinch my cheeks." He complains but I ignore it. I'm enjoying it the most.

"You're so adorable, can I buy you?" I asked but he shook his head.

"You can't, because if you buy me my daddy becomes lonely," how lovely this child is. He knows what his parents feel.

"But I'm lonely too," I said. I think it's fun to continue teasing him.

"You don't look sad but Daddy is always sad," Wow I start to doubt if he is only 6 years old.

"Why your dad is sad?" I ask if I don't know I feel like I want to know.

"It's a secret," I didn't expect that he would tell me about their personal life because I only accompanied him for a while I don't even know if we will meet again but I want to visit him if his parent let me. I've been feeling boredom and this time I'm enjoying being with this kid even though we just talking to each other.

"Boss," That voice brought me to a sense and turned around to look at Steffan I know his voice that's why.

"Where's the fries?" I ask when they finally come in front of us. He gives me the fries and I give it to this child.

"So who is this child?" Stefan asks I just remember that I didn't ask his name.

"Hey kid, what's your name?" He looked at me his eyes were sparkling when he saw the fries.

"I'm Kaizer, Thank you for this" His name suits him.

"You're welcome. Oh, this is Kaizer I just saw him here," I said as they both nodded Then I looked at Kaizer again who already eating. When I looked at the other food they bought a 3 piece of Chuckie that's why I opened the straw and gave it to Kaizer who smiled at me and mouthed a 'Thank you' without a sound.

"I thought you had a child that we didn't know hahaha." I glared at Ivan when he started to laugh. He speaks rarely but the word that comes to his mouth is all nonsense.

"You know how he can have a child if he doesn't have a girlfriend after all?" I want to punch these two bastards. I notice that Steffan rushes to sit beside Kaizer.

I already standing beside Ivan looking at them. Steffan already eating with Kaizer it's looks like Gulf and Ivan watching two children eating in the street.

"Oh, that's true because he likes-" he didn't continue what he wanted to say because he noticed that I stared at him.

"What?" I ask with a warning tone.

"Nothing hahaha," he faked his laugh. I stopped to give a death glare on him and put my attention on the child.

"Ts don't speak if you are afraid hahaha," I heard Steffan say while laughing. Ignore them because they start to fight again.

I look at the kid while he's eating.
Why do I feel like this child's face has similarities with that doctor's? Or I'm just hallucinating or something?

I plan to go to the hospital if this child is not running around but it's okay because he's cute. I forgive him for that. I just want to go to the hospital to see that doctor but it looks like I'm not meant to be going there this time.

I'm not disappointed because I met this child who has a handsome face. There's another time that I will go to that hospital. I will just enjoy this child's presence.

"I don't want to be around you," Now I just notice Steffan already standing in front of Ivan and they are fighting again.

"Me too!" Ivan said but he's grinning.

"Can you both stop? If you want to kill each other, not here!" I said, and they stopped talking and started to behave themselves. It's good that they stop if they're not I will throw them out of here.

I was about to speak to reprimand them again but I saw Kaizer rush to stand and walk in one direction.

"Daddy!!" This got my attention when he started shouting, so I turned to the person he was calling because of my curiosity.


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