Chapter : 32

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"Because you didn't pay attention to what I'm saying and kept smiling like an idiot."

"He deserved it, he didn't respect our boss and kept texting on his phone," another guy whispered. It's near to Gulf gang position, that's why Gulf heard it but he keeps his eyes straight like he doesn't hear something.

"Sorry," he said, but Jackson grinned because there's something nonsense coming to his mind again. Gulf just roll his eyes because he knew something stupid that Jackson want to do.

"It's not enough!" Jackson shouted. Gulf just stays calm and suppresses his annoyance. He just wants to support Jackson in his life.

He wanted to poked his brother's head for being childish in front of his people and making fun at him.

Gulf pat Steffan beside him to cooperate, that's why his gang stood up except from him. "We're sorry boss please forgive him," they say. Gulf wants to laugh because his gang and his brother are best in acting that make the people inside the hall believe them.

"What if I don't?"

"Just punish him," the other person shouted from behind. Gulf shakes his head. It looks like many of the group here are boiling their blood toward him and his gang. He feels that all of them are glaring at them like they want to attack them.

Gulf wanted to stand up but his phone rang out loud. He ignores the eyes looking at him and gets his phone to his pocket. He plans to avoid it but when he sees it's Mew he smiles widely and stands up.

"I'm sorry I need to go BOSS," Gulf said and slightly bow his head to show respect to his brother because after all it's still their boss.

"I'll text you later BOSS," Gulf said and waved his arm toward Jackson before he turn around.

He didn't heard Jackson response that's why he walk away. 'This is bad.'

The other group glaring at him because they just seeing Gulf being an arrogant in front of them but he didn't bother and answer the phone that keep ringing.


"Are you busy?" Mew asked from the other line.

"Why?" Gulf ask while walking through his car.

"Can you do me a favor? I know we plan to see each other after my work but if you don't have anything to do can you go to my house? Kaizer throwing a tantrum and doesn't listen to his teacher" Mew said. His voice is tired. He wants to go home but he has to go to the operating room later.

"What happen?" He ask because he look confuse now. He still didn't start his car he need to confirm what happening before he will go.

"You knew my son, he's stubborn to see you. That's why he is throwing tantrums now and wants to see you when his teacher called me earlier." Instead of being irritated, Gulf lips from a smile can also feel the warmth inside his heart.

"It's fine. I'm not busy after all I'll go to your house," He said. Now he's finding the key to his bag while saying those words.

"Thanks. sorry again." Mew looks to his door when a nurse knocks him just not to a response.

"You don't need to apologize, I'll go, see you later?" Gulf said. Gulf was grateful because when it came to this Mew was already getting some help from him and that's what Gulf wanted from the start. He wanted Mew to lean to him when he needed someone and especially he wanted Mew to love him......

"See you. I'll buy your favorite food later." After Mew said that, he ended the call. Gulf wanted to say something but he decided to start the engine.

He drove to Mew house and when he arrive he walk toward the gates and step inside.

When he open the door he already saw Kaizer quietly sitting in the sofa and not looking to his teacher.

Gulf sighs and smiles before he slowly goes to Kaizer and sits beside him. He poked Kaizer waist that make Kaizer look at him and he was surprised when he see Gulf.

When he realizes that his brother is beside him he rushes to hug him tight and starts sobbing like his mother who left him for so many years came back again. "You brat." Gulf brush Kaizer hair.

"Brother you're here.." Kaizer said while hugging him. Kaizer teacher watching them from behind.

They look like a father and son who miss each other so much. "It's true you miss me or you just miss going to my house and seeing my friends." Gulf teases after he moves and now Kaizer already stops hugging him.

"Can I say both?" Gulf shakes his head while smiling.

"Now I'm here you should listen to your teacher, if your father sees that you're more attached to me than to your own father he will get jealous," Gulf said with a laugh Kaizer tilted his head.

"It's not like that. Father is always busy and you keep accompanying me," Kaizer said.

"Ok, ok now study first."

"Hmm ok but one last question brother," Kaizer asked again. Gulf chuckle because this child always has his questions.

"What is it?" Gulf asked after he chuckled.

"Why push me to study first but I didn't see you worried about your study?" Kaizer asked in his confused face. That question makes Gulf stunned.

"Because I'm lazy- wait you brat don't ask me just study your teacher waiting for you." Kaizer giggles and walks toward his teacher while Gulf facepalm because he literally embarrassed himself in front of a kid 'this kind learn how to tease me!'

Gulf look at Kaizer direction now he saw him listening carefully and pay his all attention to his teacher teaching him.

Gulf now thinking what the reason why she passed away. He pity Mew and Kaizer for being alone in many years. It's hurt that someone leaves you and the worst is Mew keeps it secret to his son. It's more pity because Kaizer is still thinking that his mother is still alive and hoping that he will go back to their side.

The only thing he was confused about was the reason why she died? 'I can't ask Kaizer about his mom. I don't want that expression to form on his face again. I should stop being curious about this thing.'


"Doc, there is someone waiting for you," The nurse said. When he saw Mew walking out from the operating room.

"Thanks, I'll check it." He can take a leave now and go home but he chooses to see the person who was waiting for him.

Mew smiled because he expected Gulf to be the one who was waiting for him with Kaizer but to his surprise it was a person that he hadn't seen for so many years. A person he keeps avoiding to meet.

The guy siting while his leg cross. When he saw Mew stunned staring at him like he saw a ghost he stand up and walk toward his direction.

"Nice to see you again." Mew changed his expression, kept his serious aura and kept his mind calm.

"What are you doing here?" Mew asked in his cold tone.

"That's harsh, you should welcome me. After all, I'm your friend, aren't I?" The guy put his right arm into Mew shoulder but Mew didn't move.

"I don't have a friend."

"Oh all these years you keep looking at this, you should move on bro, just keep going," He said with a grin. Mew irritation began to build toward this person beside him.

"Stop it. What are you really doing here Mate?!"

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