Bridge battle and going back

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After his talk with kakashi Naruto and his team spent another week at wave. During this time, team 7 has been rotating who guards the bridge each session. That was until today. Kakashi figured that with medical herbs, today would be the day that Zabuza would come fight again. Team 7 besides naruto who was guarding the house, walked up the the bridge before seeing Zabuza waiting on his sword.

Kakashi:"So you've finally decided to show up again Zabuza."

Zabuza: "I guess so, anyway where is that brat who hit me with the jutsu?"

Kakashi:"He's busy."

Meanwhile at the house two thugs walked in before pushing Tsunami into a wall. Hearing the racket inari walked in.


Tsunami:"Inari No! Take me instead but don't hurt him! I'll do anything."

Thug:"Well kid, you got lucky today."

They grabbed Tsunami before bringing her outside. Seeing this Inari started his inner-monologue before chasing after his mom.

Inari:"I'll save you mom!"

The thugs unsheathed their swords and started running at Inari. They lifted their swords when suddenly they were pulled straight backwards by some strange force of gravity. Flying backwards, the thugs eventually landed into a fist each before getting knocked out. After opening his eyes, Inari saw Naruto standing over their unconscious bodies while tying them up.

Naruto:"Wow kid, you've got some guts to run to them like that. Good job."

Inari:"T-thank you f-for saving us."

Naruto:"yeah yeah whatever."Before walking in the direction of the bridge.

Back at the bridge, Sasuke started fighting The tracker nin.

After a little they got into a stalemate before shocking everyone with one handed hand-signs.

Seeing this kakashi starts running over before being stopped by Zabuza.

Zabuza:"If you want to join the fight then fight me."

Zabuza used his hidden most jutsu before hiding in the fog with his eyes closed.

Zabuza:"I figured how that eye works. Only once I look into your eyes will it get me. Therefore I am fine as long as my eyes are closed."

Kakashi:"That puts you at a pretty big disadvantage."

Zabuza:"You forget that I am a master of the silent killing. I don't need sight."

Kakashi:"And you made the mistake of thinking I didn't have any other tricks up my sleeve. Doggystyle-cough* Summoning Jutsu!"

Kakashi slammed down and moments later the fog disappeared only for Zabuza to appear. He was immobilized by multiple dogs biting him.

Kakashi:"Goodbye Zabuza Momochi."

Kakashi activated his chidori before attacking Zabuza. Before he hit Zabuza though he felt his hand go though flesh that wasn't Zabuza's opening his eyes kakashi saw the hunter nin who took the attack before dying.

Flashback 5 minutes ago on the other side of the bridge.

Sasuke was now inside of a dome. This dome was a special jutsu made out of ice which each ice piece was a mirror. Sasuke had trouble keeping up with the speed of hunter nin. Getting multiple gashes, Sasuke tried concentrating again before his vision finally changed. Everything seemed slower. As he was trying to figure out how to fight the hunter nin now, he saw Naruto walk into the dome.

Naruto:"Thats a pretty creative justu. Maybe I could modify it to make it stronger."

The hunter nin just stared at him before speaking.

Hunter nin:" It's a shame that you went into my dome. I now have to kill you too."

Naruto:"Yar yar daze."

Naruto just activated his rinnegan after putting a genjutsu over his face to hide it from Sasuke. With his rinnegan he quickly figured out which mirror to attack. Pointing at the mirror he clenched his fist which pulled the hunter nin out of the mirror and into his hands.

Hunter nin:" That was clever but I'm afraid you won't be the one to kill me. I still have one more purpose as his tool."

Using all his chakra the hunter nin blasted towards where kakashi and Zabuza were before standing in front and getting hit by the chidori."

Zabuza looked up and saw this and was about to attack before some clapping was heard. And a midget appeared."

Gato:"So even the demon of the mist couldn't take out a group of brats. It's a shame that even if you did kill them that you would die due to you being too expensive. Now since you all gathered here so nicely, I will now kill all of you. Minions attack!"

All the thugs started running. While this was all happening Zabuza turned to kakashi.

Zabuza:"Give me your kunai."

Kakashi knew what he would do and threw it over. Zabuza grabbed the handle of the kunai with his teeth before running over to the mob. Zabuza was truly a demon on this misty bridge.( an-sorry) He would run through the entire crowed killing each person while also getting hit by many swords and spears. With multiple slash wounds and two spears in his back, Zabuza arrived at gato and promptly slit his throat. Turning back Zabuza walked over to kakashi before laying down next to the hunter nin's body.

Zabuza:"His name was Haku, he was like a son that I never had but he always thought he was just a tool. I'm glad that I could die next to him. Also thank you for letting me kill all of them as my final memory." Zabuza then looked at Naruto.

Zabuza:" I hope that you will take my balde and make it much better. That add is seen as the worst of the 7 that the mist had. But now I want you to make it something better and to achieve great things with that blade on your back. That is my only request."

His consciousness finally drifted away as he died.  Naruto was silent for a second before walking over to the blade, and grabbing Zabuza's sword holder and strapping it to his back. Sasuke and Sakura eventually came back with Sasuke hurt and Sakura crying, thinking that he died.

The villagers cheered and everything in wave went back to how it used to be before gato came. Many people cheering and celebrating together. After a few days the bridge was finally built and team 7 could be seen walking back to Konoha. One with silver- gravity defying hair, one pink haired banshee screaming about her love, one emo depressed kid, and finally one blonde with a large sword on his back daydreaming about a pale colored alien woman.


An-many people want to see more Kaguya but I can't really think of a way to put that in besides mentioning her. If there are any ideas please comment them.

Thanks for reading :)

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