04 || Narnia

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"Lu- I think we should go back to the wardrobe." I said to Lucy, who was still mesmerised of our surroundings. I was too.

Suddenly, we heard rustling noises coming from the woods behind us. I backed up and grabbed Lucy into my arms. I swear if its a bear, I'll run out of the wardrobe. Lucy was excited yet scared. We stared at the woods until an unfamiliar creature came out. It was half man, half goat? I'm not sure. He has a red scarf around his neck and carrying bunch of packages.

"Ahhh!" We three screaming at each other faces.

The creature screamed as well until all of his packages fell from his arms. I didn't want to stay but Lucy is holding me back by grabbing onto my shirt from running away.

"Were you hi-hiding from us?" Lucy asked as all of us were already calm down. The creature looked up to her and me.

"Huh-um... N-no no... I didn't want to scare both of you." He stuttered, answering Lucy's questioned. That settled why he was hiding in the woods making all those leaves noises.

"If you don't mind me asking, w-what are you?" I asked the creature to ease my mind a bit which kept bothering me not knowing what he is. He looked at me with an unbelievably expression. Was I suppose to know what he is?

"Why, I'm a faun of course! And you must be some beardless dwarfs?" He questioned. That makes so much sense. We're in a fantasy land.

"I'm not a dwarf! I'm a girl. In fact, I'm the tallest in my class." Lucy said proudly, correcting the faun. I just agreed to whatever Lucy stated.

"So you're saying, you're a daughter of Eve?" The faun asked, looking at me and Lucy. I nodded.

"Well, actually my mom's name is Helen but-" Lucy shrugged, not knowing what the faun meant.

"He meant, we are humans." I said to Lucy who nodded and giggled to herself.

"Exactly." The faun smiled at Lucy.

"Well, of course we're humans!" Lucy said to the faun. Is this place is full with mystical creatures only and not humans? Is that why the faun looks so amazed having Lucy and I here? We'll never know.

"What are you both doing here?" He asked again. Lucy and I looked at each other, smiling sheepishly.

"Well, we were playing hide and seek. We found a wardrobe in this empty spare room to hide and now we're here." I explained but I don't think the faun understood what I said.

"Spare Oom? Is that in Narnia?" The faun questioned that made Lucy laughed.

"Spare room, silly." She corrected the faun.

"Narnia? What is that? Is the place we're at right now is Narnia?" I asked the faun and he looked surprised.

"Yes of course you're in it! Everything from the lamp post, all the way to the castle Cair Paravel on the Eastern Sea, every stick and stone, every icicle, is Narnia." The faun said while pointing at each corner of the woods.

"This is an awfully big wardrobe." Lucy said, looking at me. I nodded as an agreement towards the statement she made.

"I'm sorry. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tumnus." The faun said, introducing himself with a bow at the end.

"Glad to meet you Mr. Tumnus. I'm Lucy Pevensie." Lucy introduced herself to the faun, extending her hand to him. He looked at the action weirdly. Please tell me you shake hands here or else this will me just as awkward.

"You shake it." Lucy said. I sighed and grabbed both of their hands and shake it for them. Tumnus looks excited that he knew something new meeting us. Hopefully.

"I'm Dahlia Welsh." I smile at Tumnus as they pulled back their hands.

"Lucy Pevensie and Dahlia Welsh from the shining city of War Drobe in the far land of Spare Oom, how would it be if you both come with me for tea?" Tumnus said, bowing once again.

"That's very nice of you Tumnus, really. But I think Lucy and I should probably getting back..." I said, rejecting his offer kindly. His smile turned into a frown.

"Oh come on! Its not everyday I make new friends. There will be a roaring fire! And toast, and cakes! Maybe... we'll even break into the sardines." Tumnus persuaded. Lucy 's eyes were pleading at me as well.

"Fine, we'll stay for a while... if you have sardines." I sighed, giving into them both with a soft smile looking at Tumnus.

"By the bucket load." Tumnus chuckled.

Lucy and I both linked our arms with Tumnus' while my other hand was holding the umbrella. It was raining snow here in Narnia while its summer back out the wardrobe. After quite a walk, we arrived at a small house that was made out of the tree trunk.

"Nice home you have, Tumnus." I complimented the faun while he was making tea and Lucy was sitting near the fire.

"Its nothing much but its cozy." Tumnus shrugged. I helped him to bring the tea on to the small table by the fire where Lucy was staring at a picture.

"That is my father." Tumnus said. I peeked over Lucy's shoulder to see another faun who looks like Tumnus but older.

"He looks just like you-" Lucy said, but soon get cut off by Tumnus.

"No, we're not alike really." Tumnus denied. Although he denied it, I can really see that they look alike. Son and father, what is wrong with that?

"Our fathers are fighting in the war." Lucy said, changin the topic. Not doing a good job with that she was but I was just following along.

"My father went away to war too! That was a long time ago... before this dreadful winter came." Tumnus said with excitement and ended with a sad tone in the end. Peculiar indeed.

"Winter is not all bad. You can go ice skating, build a snow man, do snow angels- and oh Christmas!" Lucy tried to bring back the excitement mood again but Tumnus was already looking moody.

"We haven't had Christmas is hundreds of years." Tumnus sighed. What? No Christmas? That's my favourite time of the year!

"No presents for hundred years?" Lucy said in a shock. I mean- who isn't shock knowing people haven't celebrated Christmas in hundred years?

"But oh! You would love Narnia in the spring season! The Dryads and the Fauns will dance all night and never got tired..." Tumnus was back in the mood. He was smiling ear to ear, probably remembering back all the memories he had.

"That sounds fun." I said. He nodded and continued talking.

"Yes, it was! The music- such music! Would you like to hear some music now?" Tumnus asked.

"Yes please." I nodded.

Lucy and I get ourselves comfortable when Tumnus reaches for a box on top of the fire place. We watch as he took out a pipe, some sort of a musical instrument from the box. He placed the pipe upon his lips and started to blow it. It made such angelic and soft sound. Tumnus was playing a song that I wasn't familiar with but I enjoyed it. Lucy tugged my sleeve and pointed at the fire place. The fire changed its form into a couple of fauns and other creature dancing to the melody Tumnus was playing.

"Magic." I whispered to myself, watching the fire kept changing its form everytime Tumnus hits a different note.

I noticed that Lucy yawned, maybe she's tired. She laid back on the couch and her eyes were already close. As I was about to wake her up, I too myself felt my eyes getting heavier. The next thing I know was my vision went dark.

2 chapters a day? Sorry but I am so happy writing chapters and publishing them! I hope all of you are fine with that. I just finished school by the way. I think I'll write another chapter later tonight :) Thank you for reading!

a narnian dream || peter pevensie ✔️Where stories live. Discover now