14 || Edmund

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That morning Susan, Lucy and I woke up to the sound of the creatures fussing in front of our tent. I looked up to see a faun and a centaur some how gossiping about something and wasn't happy about it. I walk to the entrance of the tent and they startled at my shadow suddenly popping my head out of the tent.

"Your Majesty! You scared me there." the faun chuckled.

"What are you two talking about?" I asked and their faces immediately changed into this unhappy, nervous faces.

I was about to ask more when Peter made his was to my tent. There he stood, under the sun where my eyes squinted a bit by the bright reflection from his blonde hair. His smile just got bigger when he sees me.

"Dahlia!" He waved and ran towards me while the faun and the centaur continue with what they were doing earlier.

"Good morning, Peter." I greeted.

Without saying anything nor even did I, he pulled me out from the tent and dragged me to Aslan knows where he is taking me.

"Peter, you should've at least give me time to get ready!" I complained, on our way.

"Shush, you look fine!" He laughed.

We ran passed the creatures up to a cliff where Aslan took us both when we first visit his camp. I stood there as Peter sat at the edge with his legs swinging and hanging.

"Come here, you!" He called me.

I sat beside him. My eyes are locked at the sun that s rising right in front of us. I always had loved sunsets and sunrises. My father always brought me to this one place by a river not far from our home almost everyday to watch them. Of course it happened before he went to the war and I never watch them anymore. I have to look after mom.

"Its beautiful, isn't it?" He questioned as he slightly tilt his head looking at me who was completely mesmerised of the sun rise.

"I forgot how beautiful it can be." I said, catching Peter staring at me.

I shook my head as I softly push his head with my palm and we laughed at how both of us gets so awkward and silly around each other. But it was fun and that moment felt like it was forever honestly but of course it didn't when we were called by Susan and Lucy from below the cliff.

"You two! Get down here!" We both heard Lucy's voice.

We thought they wanted to pull a prank on us of make fun of us but their expressions was worried and somehow clueless. For some reason, they were guided by a faun who was also waiting for Peter and I get off from the cliff. We know there is something happening and its something important. We both get down from the cliff joining Susan and Lucy following the faun until we stopped at a spot not far from the camp. We looked up to see Aslan was taking to a young boy on one of the rocks and that young boy happened to be Edmund!

"Edmund!" Lucy exclaimed, was about to run towards her brother when Peter stopped her as Edmund is clearly talking to Aslan and we don't want to get in between that.

After a while Aslan and Edmund get off from the rock and walked down towards us.

"What's done is done. There is no reason to bring up the past with your brother." Aslan said, sort of reminded all of us.

"Hello..." Edmund said, slightly waved at us.

He was looking so awful. He was dirty, his clothes has holes all around, his face was covered in dirt, the whole body even and he looks so tired. I felt so pity for him.

"Oh Edmund." Lucy hugged his brother followed by Susan, who slightly was surprised that his sisters is not mad at him.

Edmund turned to me and apologised.

a narnian dream || peter pevensie ✔️Where stories live. Discover now