05 || Lucy and I

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I woke up to the sound of faint ringing at my right ear. I brushed it off but nothing changed. I looked around to see Lucy is still in a deep sleep beside me. I tried to remember what happened before I passed out. I noticed that Tumnus' house is upside down now, everything is either broken, smashed and it was a mess.

"Tumnus?" I called for the faun but he was no where to be found and he didn't responded.

Lucy later woke up from the sleep as well a few minutes after I called for Tumnus. She rubbed her eyes, looking around wondering what had happened when we passed out. Maybe Tumnus put us under some sort of spell.

"Mr. Tumnus?" Lucy called for him.

It took a while for us to know where he was when he heard a distant sobbing from the kitchen area. Lucy and I look at each other, relieved that he's here but still curious about what happened. We both stood from the sofa and saw Tumnus was sitting on the small stairs, sobbing.

"Tumnus, we need to go back." I said, crouching next to him. He wiped a tear that was about to escape his eye.

"I'm afraid its too late for that now. I am such a bad faun." He said, sobbing more.

Lucy who was worried of Tumnus, sat beside him and trying to comfort him. I wonder why him and the house is a mess.

"Why would you say that? You're the nicest faun I've ever met." Lucy said, with her words of comfort while side hugging Tumnus.

"What happened, Tumnus? What happened when we both passed out and why did we passed out?" I asked him as he is already calm down a bit. Lucy glared at me, shaking her head gesturing me to not ask that questions.

"Whatever happened I'm sure you're sorry about it and you'll never do it again." Lucy comforted again but Tumnus sobbed more and more. I sighed, rubbing my temple. What should we do now? We need to go home before the others worried about us.

"Its not something I have done, Lucy Pevensie. It is something I am doing." The faun cried.

"What are you doing, Tumnus?" I questioned. Curious, very curious. He looked up to me and took a deep breath before he speaks.

"I'm kidnapping you both. Its not me. Its the White Witch, the one who always make Narnia in winter but never Christmas. She told me that if I ever came across daughter of Eve or son of Adam, I have to turn them in." Tumnus explained. Everything makes sense now.

" I thought you were my friend. "Lucy sighed.

Tumnus noticed that he made Lucy sad and very disappointed. I am too. Well, I am still convinced that I hit my head and I am in my own head right now but everything feels so real. I paced around the room thinking about what to do. The White Witch is probably on her way to get me and Lucy. That's it, I'm going to die in this so called Narnia world.

"Its just my imagination. Its just my imagination." I said, repeatedly while pacing around the room.

"It is not your imagination, Dahlia!" Lucy exclaimed at me. I brushed her off trying to calm myself down.

"I'll get you both out of here." Tumnus said that made me open my eyes again, looking at him happily.

"You will?" Lucy questioned and Tumnus nodded.

Lucy and I was waiting for Tumnus nervously to guide us out of here. He came back with two scarves and gave Lucy and I each one to keep us warm in the bloody cold winter. He then grabbed Lucy's hand and guide us out while I was following them closely from behind. Don't want to get snatch by the witch now we?

"We must move quietly. The woods are full of her spies, even some of the trees are on her side." Tumnus said, referring to the White Witch.

I looked above at the canopy of leaves that was covered in snow is moving with the wind. Please don't tell me these trees talk too. I brushed the thought off my mind when we arrived at the lamp post earlier. I ran towards the exit and stood there waiting for Lucy who was still talking with Tumnus. I can't help but listen to them for far.

"Here. Keep it. You need it more than I do." Lucy chuckled, giving Tumnus her hankie.

Tumnus chuckled and keep the hankie in his coat. They laughed a bit and I realised its time to go. Tumnus noticed I was waiting impatiently for them to finish.

"Alright now, go go go." He said to Lucy.

Lucy ran to me and we made our way through the branches. I feel the furry coats earlier. We're in the wardrobe again. Finally.
We both pushed each other till we fell out of the wardrobe. We're home.

"I'm home. I'm home! I'm alright!" Lucy stood up and yelled, running out from the room leaving me alone.

I stood up and brushed myself when I heard a knock on the door. I looked up to see Professor Kirke I assume. He looked at me weirdly while fixing his glasses.

"Follow me." He said, started to walk and I followed him close from behind.

I shut the spare room's door. I followed him until we stopped in front of the room where Mrs Macready told us children to not go inside. I gulped as I tried to hide my fear. I wonder why did Professor Kirke ask for me to follow him. He took out a key from his front pocket and unlock the door. He welcomed me in then shut the door.

"What did you see?" He asked as soon as I sat on the couch that was in the office.

"What do you mean?" I questioned back, not clear with what he was referring to.

"The Wardrobe. You entered it. You must've seen something." Professor Kirke said as if he knows what is behind those old woods of a wardrobe.

"It was just wood. We were playing hide and seek." I shrugged.

Yes I lied. What if he calls me mental for explaining the things I experienced it that wardrobe for one day. I met a faun, I was kidnapped, it was snowing, I almost get caught by so called a witch. I don't know you but those things seems pretty bloody mental to hear coming out from a teen.

"Hmm..." Professor Kirke stared into my soul, trying to believe what I said which is so much believable than me founding a kingdom in the wardrobe.

After a while, Professor Kirke let me go. I let out a relief breath as I shut his office door behind me. Then, I see Lucy running towards me. Oh no, not again.

"Dahlia!" She exclaimed as she stopped running and trying to catch her breath in front of me.

"How many days we went missing?" She asked. I weirded out because she knows how long we've been out. Its probably the next day here already.

"A day." I answered. Instead of nodding because we did gone out for a day, Lucy shook her head with a worry expression.

"When I came out of the room, Peter just finished counting." Lucy said that made my mind blow.

"I think time passes differently at here and Narnia Lu." I said to her. She agreed.

We both were discussing about Narnia while walking down the long. corridors. Turns out her siblings didn't believe every word she said. I mean I get it, they'll probably labelled it as part of imagination because its coming from a kid's mouth but I would be pretty darn mad if someone doesn't believe what I said.

"I'm sorry Lu." I said to her, softly nudging her shoulders with my elbow.

"Its okay. At least I know it was real." She said, putting on a soft smile that put my heart and mind at ease.

We both part ways when it was time to go to bed before Mrs Macready scolds us.

This is quite a long chapter. I know its boring, its just a filler ya'll. Things will be more interesting in the next one. Thank you for reading!

a narnian dream || peter pevensie ✔️Where stories live. Discover now