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"Long time no see again, Robyn." Beyoncé greeted.

"Don't call me that." Rihanna huffed.

"What are you looking at?" Beyoncé smiled.

"Art, Normani did it." Rihanna trailed her fingers over the word free.

"What is so special about that girl Rihanna? I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday." Beyoncé walked beside the taller woman.

"I just see myself in her, I mean we do have the same interests." Rihanna smirked and Beyoncé laughed.

"Us Knowles just get lucky, but them two were destined. I mean Dinah won't shut up about her so I felt the need to come back and visit you." Beyoncé explained.

"Came to tear down this place?" Normani wondered and Rihanna looked at her in shocked.

"Not yet." Rihanna admitted.

"Hmm." Normani hummed in a scoffing way.

"Where are you going?" Rihanna questioned.

"Mind your business." Normani entered the building and Rihanna furrowed her eyebrows.

Obviously she followed Normani and seen Normani talking to a young boy.

"Ms. Normani what did you bring this time?" The boy asked.

"Have you found a new place yet?" A little girl joined in on the conversation.

"No but I brought food, clothes, and toys." Normani held up the bags with a bright smile.

"A teddy?" The little girl face lit up.

"Yes, the one that you wanted." Normani gave it to the little girl.

"Oh, is that your mother Normani?" The mother of the young girl asked.

"Huh? You don't listen do you." Normani huffed.

"Nope." Rihanna smiled at her daughter.

"Are you here to help us?" The woman asked.

"Hmm, well I did buy this place. I was thinking of turning it into a hotel but instead I'll turn it into a hotel for you all." Rihanna spread her arms out and everyone faces lit up.

"What?" Normani furrowed her eyebrows.

"You won't have to go anywhere, and if the police shows up. Just show them...this."  Rihanna pulled a card from her wallet and took a pen from her jacket.

She wrote, "Residential to all, they are not trespassing. - Robyn Rihanna Fenty" and gave the card to the woman.

"What are you doing mother?" Normani grabbed Rihanna's hand and pulled her down to her height.

"I'm doing what any civil rich woman would do, help people." Rihanna smirked and kissed Normani on her forehead.

"Why won't you just stay out of my life?" Normani wiped her forehead.

"I bought this place Normani, I don't want to move people who need help." Rihanna sighed.

"Tsk, whatever." Normani brushed passed her mother.

"Normani." Rihanna gave her a warning tone.

"Just leave me alone." Normani matched the tone.

"Ms. Normani, are you leaving so soon." The boy asked.

"I'll be back, I have homework to do." Normani rustled the boys hair.

"Please be back." The boy smiled happily.

"I will, maybe after highschool I'll adopt you." Normani kissed the boy on top of his head and the boy blushed.

"Hmm." Rihanna hummed and she walked outside.

"How about it? We go for Lunch?" Beyoncé suggested.

"Sure." Rihanna bit her finger.

"Is my baby upset?" Beyoncé grabbed Rihanna wrist to get her fingers away from her mouth.

"Do not call me that." Rihanna interlocked their hands.

"I like to call you by your first name, you restricted me from that. I call you baby, you are restricting me from that too? Jesus woman let me have something." Beyoncé laughed nervously.

"Whatever." Rihanna giggled...

"Oh- hey Normani." Dinah says out of breath after a jog.

She didn't expect to run into her girlfriend at all today.

"Dinah, you are sweating." Normani stated.

"Yeah." Dinah drank some water.

"I have to speak to you about something." Normani fiddled with the hoodie that Dinah gave her.

After she lost weight, Normani basically stole them all anyway.

"That's better than 'we need to talk', right?" Dinah sighed with a smile.

"Huh- oh no it's nothing bad." Normani giggled and she grabbed Dinah's hand.

"So, what is it?" Dinah interlocked their hands.

"What do you plan to do after high school?" Normani wondered.

"Hmm, I'm planning on joining the military." Dinah joked and Normani jaw dropped.

"Please tell me that's a joke." Normani tightened her grip on Dinah's hand.

"Of course, I plan on moving in with you and have kids and marry you." Dinah sapped talked and Normani furrowed her eyebrows.

"So cheesy." She looked away and Dinah stepped in front of Normani.

"I'll become a professional basketball player or something, I like the training part of it." Dinah finally admitted and Normani nodded.

"That's reasonable." Normani rested her head on Dinah's chest.

"What about you?" Dinah asked.

"I definitely going to buy a house and go to college." Normani tells her.

"I'll be joining you right?" Dinah questioned.

"Yes Dinah." Normani answered.

"What about your career?" Dinah moved them over to a bench.

"I want to own a business to help people...and I want to adopt someone." Normani looked up at Dinah.

"Adopt?" Dinah raised an eyebrow.

"After high school, I'm not asking you to adopt him as well. I'm just telling you that that's what I'm planning to do." Normani explained.

"I'll adopt him as well, I mean if I plan to marry you then he is my child as well." Dinah shocks Normani.

"Two is better than one." Normani smiled.

"I really did get lucky with you, I'm grateful for that." Dinah pulled Normani in for a kiss.

"Me too, I don't think I have ever been this happy until I met you." Normani looked down at Dinah's lips.

"Ew sappy." Dinah teased.

"Shut up." Normani rolled her eyes.

"Make me." Dinah smirked causing Normani raise an eyebrow.

Normani wrapped her arms around Dinah's neck and Dinah pulled Normani's even closer to capture her into a kiss. Dinah was going to deepen the kiss but Normani phone started to ring causing them to split out of breath.

"I'm really starting to hate phones." Normani groaned.

"You should answer that." Dinah smirked.

"Hello?" Normani answered as Dinah twirled her finger on Normani's thigh.

After hearing the voice over the phone, her face lit up.

A/N: New addition to this treacherous fanfics and account... 💁🏾‍♀️😮‍💨

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