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Ship: Luke x Reader

Type: Fluff 💝

Requested by: Pickles199

(Y/N: Your Name. For those who don't know).


It was a stormy afternoon in December. Christmas break had come, and the weather wasn't always the best. Y/N layed in their bed, bored. They didn't know what to do, and they didn't actually have anything to do.

They thought for a moment, until an idea came to mind. They had always craved cuddles. They'd never miss a chance to get cuddles. So with that in mind, Y/N picked up their phone, and went to their boyfriend's contact, clicking the phone icon to where it automatically starts a call. Y/N put their phone up to their ear and waited for the other person to pick up. After a few seconds of ringing, it stopped and replacing that, was the deep voice that Y/N loved so much.

"Hey sweetheart, what's up?" Luke started. Y/N blushed at the pet name, but composed themself so they could reply.

"Hey babe.. I just wanted to ask if you could, umm.. if you.." Y/N stammered, trying to find the right words so it wouldn't sound weird. The boy at the other end of the phone chuckled, and spoke up after he calmed down.

"You want cuddles, don't you?" The boy said, already knowing how much his partner loved cuddles.

"I-I.. y-yes.." They stuttered, embarrassed.

"Hehe.. Alright, I'll be over in a sec.. See ya, sugarplum" And with that the boy hung up, as Y/N squealed, finally about to get cuddles. After a few minutes, the bedroom door opened, revealing the auburn haired boy who was here to cuddle with his partner. As Luke sat on the bed, Y/N lunged on to him, pushing him down on the bed, as they both giggled. After their giggling fit, they stared in to each other's eyes, getting lost in them. Sunflower yellow, meeting [Insert your eye colour]. A beautiful combination. Y/N pecked Luke on the lips, then layed on his chest, hearing his steady heartbeat. Luke wrapped his arms around Y/N, giving them warmth.

"How are you so warmmm?" Y/N, burying their face in their boyfriend's chest. Luke chuckled.

"I don't know.." He said, giving Y/N a kiss on their head.

"I love you~" Y/N said, looking up at the auburn haired boy. He smiled.

"Love you too" He said.

For the rest of the day, they just cuddled, and eventually fell asleep together.


Wow look at that I finally published my draft that was there for what seems like eternity-

And sorry it's short, I think there could've been more, but it's quarter past 6 am at the moment and my brain is half dead, and I need to get up in less than an hour for school-

Imagine getting random motivation at a time like that lmao-

Anyway, I'm sorry this isn't much- but it's something right?

I might post something else this week, but I don't know what, but we'll see, so ye, I hope you liked this oneshot, and see ya next time, bye!

526 words.

Luke ship Oneshots TMF (No Requests) Where stories live. Discover now