Chapter 15: Gentlemen and Hidden Kisses

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The idea had been Freddie's. He'd received a call from his parents, insisting he must come home some time, come see his parents and his sister. They'd asked him with a voice clearly implying that he'd been lacking in giving his family attention, that he'd been selfish. He always knows how to read between the lines.

He hadn't wanted to go visit his parents and his sister if it was only with the intention of being criticized for his life choices, for being fired, being in a band and not concentrating all his energy on his work and school.

So he decided to bring Brian along.

At first, he'd been hesitant- would his parents criticize Brian too? But then he thought of all the times his parents had acted completely different in front of strangers, trying to look good, making sure not to tarnish their reputation. He hadn't had a doubt about his sister, his lovely little sister who had only ever wanted him healthy and happy, in contrast to their parent's opinion. He'd practically come out to her when he was still living with his family, had told her all about the tall guitarist with the luscious curls and the shy smiles. She'd been the one who had insisted he went to talk to him, to make the first move. He'd been way too nervous at the time to actually do anything.

He never told her that he'd managed to make him his boyfriend, but he has a feeling she'll know at the first glance in Brian's direction. She's always known him better than anyone else. It's one thing he's excited about, the side glances she'll give him that mean everything, but that no one else would understand.

He knows Brian is nervous, he notices all the signs as they walk to his parents' house. He bites on his bottom lip absentmindedly, fiddles with his hair countless times. Freddie is nervous too, but he tries not to show it, it would only make Brian even more anxious and that isn't what he wants. It'll be fine, that's what he tries to tell himself.

"It'll be fine, we just need to act like friends," Freddie explains before knocking on the front door, taking Brian's hand in his for a short second before letting it go. It pains him that he can't be himself, that he still has to hide just like when he was a child; observing other boys from afar, silently.

It pains him that even in front of his parents, he's scared of loving whoever he wants because he knows they'd think of him as a sinner.

He swallows the lump in his throat as they wait for someone to open the door. Thankfully, it's Kashmira who does, she lets them in with a wide smile, throwing herself in Freddie's arms happily.

"I've missed you so much, Freddie," she exclaims before pulling away to look at Brian, holding out her hand. Brian takes it and she sends Freddie a knowing smile.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Brian. Freddie has told me loads about you," she says teasingly.

"It's nice to meet you too, Kashmira," Brian answers, like a proper gentleman. Freddie has to hold in his laughter; he loves seeing Brian when he's all shy and polite.

Kashmira walks them to the living-room, where their parents are sitting. When she sees him, Freddie's mother quickly stands up to plant a kiss on both his cheeks lovingly. She hugs him, enveloping him with a scent he can only think of as comforting; it's the same way she used to hug him just after a nightmare or before he left to go to India.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to come, Mama," Freddie whispers in her ear, insanely pleased to see her even though he'd previously been avoiding her and his father. She's his mother, after all, he loves her no matter what.

"Papa," Freddie whispers, sending him a tight smile, barely getting a nod back. It's not like he's expected much more. His father has never been really demonstrative of his love—if there is any—Freddie can't remember the last time he's hugged him.

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