Moving to Boston?

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Rebecca: I have something to tell you

Y/N: What is it?

Rebecca: Shaun got a new job and we're moving

Y/N: What? Where?

Rebecca: Boston

Y/N: Really? Have you told mum?

Rebecca: I have, and she is actually considering moving there too

Y/N: Both of you are leaving me

Rebecca: Y/N think about, you and Chris have been together for months now and he lives in Boston, why don't you consider moving in together, taking the next step in your relationship

Y/N: I have to go, but I'll talk to Chris about it

Rebecca: You better, Boston won't be the same without you

A week went by, I had planned my sisters gender reveal party and sent out invitations and during the week I did a few interviews, I would call Chris every night to ask him how his day was, but now I get to ask him that in person

The day just seemed to drag on whilst I was waiting for Chris's flight to arrive, time just seems to slow down when I'm excited which just makes me more impatient, I was waiting by baggage claim for Chris when his plane finally arrived, call me clingy, but I missed him My god that man was taking his time, I swear I had been waiting for an hour even though it had probably only been 10 minutes, and I was also hoping I wouldn't get noticed, unfortunately that didn't last long as a little girl came up to me

Girl: Excuse me miss, but are you Y/N Y/L/N?

She was so small that I decided to bend down so I was eye level with her

Y/N: Yes I am, what's your name?

Girl: Maddie

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