chapter 4

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Krityam's Pov

Now am getting frustrated from the people who are sitting now in front of me and I am thinking about fired all of them.
I  just give them a simple  task and they are  not able to done that task.
In frustration I  lash out on them now all of them " Is this  the way we are going to get projects huh .. tell me ?"
All of them have horrified expression

"We a-are r-really s-sorry sir.n-next time we w-will done it  on ti-time" he said stuttering.

"And why do you think I will give you second chance huh.. there are lots of people who are able to done that project,there is no need of yours now"

Everyone get horrified even more.  And fear in their eyes I kind of like that.

"Ok all of you can go now" I said dismissing them.

Suddenly head of the team came and start apologizing  "please sir don't fire us we definitely done  next time  properly"

"Am not firing you or any one just go out of here and do your work "I said with straight face and then everyone get out.

The whole day was hectic with lots of meetings and   work .
It's  8 in the evening and I am heading towards home because mom and dad came to India today. My dad and mom lives in USA dad see all branches of our company in USA and  me in India.

At home

And here I saw love of my life 'my mom.' she has frown on her face and by looks she is looking really angry.
"And what is the time I told you to be at home?" She ask angrily

I smile a little "Mom there is an important meeting  so i came late today"I lie

Show up her eyebrows and  say "really.. but  varun says you came late at night or sometimes you don't even come at home"

'oh shit man i am dead now'
(Well varun is my guard)

"Mom I am sorry after today i will come before 7  promise"

"You should be ..
After marriage how are you going to manage this huh..?"

I remain silent after sometime dad came i greet him and go to my room .
Whenever mom talk about marriage  i  just change the topic
I just think about that cute girl to whom i still not able to forgot.
She keeps playing with my mind and heart from ten years
I just want to marry her ,and thinking about her with someone 
makes my blood boil..

When I  came out of my room  my mom is setting up  dinning table🍽️.
We all ate food in silence  and then me and dad talk about business and random stuff.
I have  an urgent meeting tomorrow so i told them and get to my bed and soon sleep engulf me .

In morning

I get up early go to gym  as usual  and get ready  for meeting by 8
Mom makes breakfast 🥞 for me and now I am on my way to meeting.
While going to meeting I saw a familiar figure  which makes my  heartbeat 💓 fast. Am i day dreaming now  and hurriedly i take her photo (sounds creepy  but I don't care)
No I am not daydreaming she is here what is she doing here  'obviously studying you fool' came voice . Am really happy now
In meeting i keep on smiling like fool but who cares

By reaching office I call my PA "In my office"
"Yes sir" he reply  and in 5 minutes he is here

I show him picture  of my cute  girl  and told him about college and tell him to collect some information about her in 24 hours.
Am not asking about much personal information just her name  family and is she single or not.

Am really happy today

Next day

There is black file 🗄️ that catch my eyes , I sit on my chair 💺 and open the file
Her name is really beautiful and suits her well 'Akshi' and she is not studying she is teaching in that college 'I am proud of her'
What next i saw makes me really happy 'she is single and her parents are searching for groom.

Wait some days madam you are going to be mine.

On reaching home

I saw  my mother talking to someone about marriage 'but whose marriage'
I  thought about getting fresh so I go to my room . After 30 minutes I came down and sat on sofa in hallway my mom came and sit next to me and I feel her gaze at me .I tilt my head toward her side and ask "what happen mom ?"

My mom ask "do you love someone?"

"Huh?" Am not able to say anything

"What huh answer my question"said mom
"Why are you asking this mom"
I ask her

Mom get up from sofa and go back to her room 'did I say something wrong'
When I get up to see where is mom she  is coming from her room with dad.

They both sit in front of me and then dad said  " look child if you love someone then tell us if not these are pictures of some girls have a look if you like any then tell us"they both  get up and then mom said
"I already made food for you,
me and your dad are going to your uncle home they invite us.
Don't get pressurized and think about it in peace "

I just nod at her and then mom and dad went to uncle's house 🏡
And here I am thinking what I can do now.
Then  idea strikes  and i took Akshi's picture from my room which i get with her information file and now am ready to get married......... to her
Then i ate my food in happiness and  then go to bed.

Next morning 🌄
On breakfast 🥞 table mom ask   "what is your decision?"
"I am ready" i tell them with straight face while from inside i am dancing
Listening this my mom and dad become happy and then mom ask
"Which one?"
I show her Akshi's picture.
"She is  really beautiful' my mom said
My father nodded in response

But now the problem is how we are going to meet
And i know the solution 😏am such a smart person..

I call to the person who give picture of girls to my mom and tell him about akshi         

when I show him picture he said he knows her her parents also searching for groom and he lost her picture.

On 4:30 in evening

Mom called me and said   "Hy child how are you?"
"Am fine mom what are you doing ?"
" Preparing dinner 🍽️ . okay listen this Saturday we are going to  Akshi's home. I talk to her mom  and they invite us on lunch .
So clear your schedule for Saturday okay"

After listening her name i just zoned out  i came to my senses when my mom call my name  and  I said okay  and  then mom cut the call.

Today is Wednesday after two days we are going to meet madam .
And then I will never let you go.

Hey guys !
thank you so much for reading this  story
This is my first story so I don't know anything . please  support and vote for this story
Thak you again

If there is any mistake please cope with that.

I will update next chapter soon till then BYE  and take care❤️❤️

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