Chapter 24

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Akshi's POV

"Okay bye dad" I said to my dad.

My dad is going today to uncle house.
My mom's brother where she went yesterday.

He is going today.

I came inside.

"Ok dii bye" my brother said and I frown

"Where are you going?" I asked him as it's Sunday.

"I am going out with my friends. I promise I will be home in two hours" he said

I nod my head and said "okay take care."

He nod and went away.

And as if you are thinking about my husband who came here last night and as I don't mention about him.

'well he is making out with his laptop'

'note the sarcasm please'

I went upstairs and saw him sitting on bed doing work.

I sit beside him and wait for  minutes to notice me.

He is really busy with his laptop to even give a glance to me.

So I  decided to make my appearance known to him, by clearing throat.

But he don't move or even glance.

So I again clear my throat.

"Akshi I know you are here, tell me what you want to say"he said still not looking upward

I shook my head and sighed

"Let's have breakfast"I said pleadingly  as am hungry by now.

"I will eat la....wait you don't have breakfast till now" he asked looking towards me with wide eyes.

I don't say anything and just look towards him.

"Are you serious it's 10 am and you don't have breakfast" he said while raising his voice a little.

I rolled my eyes.

"Same goes to you dear husband" I replied in duh tone

He shook his head and got up from bed.
And hold my hand .
We move out of our room.

He sat on the stool in kitchen.
And I serve our breakfast in plates.

"You should eat breakfast by now" he said while looking towards me and frowning.

"I was waiting for you"I replied.

"But you should eat something by now as you know in hunger you turn from normal person to mental person" he said with serious face.

I wait for a moment as I  am chewing my food, i  swallow it hurriedly and said
"Excuse me,  who is mental here"

He look towards me and narrowed his eyes
Like asking are you sure?

"Okay i agree, i become little mad when I am hungry" I replied with huf.

"Yeah last time when you were hungry you literally cried for good fifteen minutes, and don't told me  why you were crying" he replied amusingly  remembering the memory.

"What can I do, I  can't stop crying" I replied with pout.

He chuckled  and kissed me  and said



I was  in my room laying on couch and  chatting with  Anu and Sanju.

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