chapter 21

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Akshi's POV

1 am

Same night

I open my eyes and look towards him,
and still he is with his love


One day I will throw this laptop outside the home.

Am  still feeling sleepy so i closed my eyes again.

Soon i feel a little movement.

And then he kissed my forehead and ran his hand in my head.

He hugged me tightly and sleep

Because my eyes are still closed
Now am no longer feeling sleepy.

And i got up and sit on the bed.

I look towards him  and he was sleeping.

I sighed and went to bathroom.

I came out

Am feeling weak and my head is aching badly.

I sit on bed  and he was  also no longer sleepy, but laid on bed and his hand are behind his head.

"What happened?"he asked

"Nothing" I replied and he nod

And place his hand on my forehead.

"You have fever, sleep" he said

"Am not sleepy anymore" I replied.

And i don't know what came into me, but I got up from my place and sat on his stomach.

"Ow.. woman, what are you doing"he said

"I want to be here" I replied and he raised his eyebrows and look towards me observingly

He place  his hands on my thighs and  said.

"You wanna be here on my stomach" pointing towards me and his stomach.

"Fine fine, I know you don't want me beside you, you don't like me.
You just like your desktop, phone and work.
But remember one day I will throw your phone and desktop far away from you.
Oh god, why did.........." "Stop stop
Usually you don't talk like little and now you are not stopping" he said amusingly.

And i look downwards feeling embarrassed.

Well the problem with me is,
When I have fever. I become chatterbox who don't stop.
And also mood swings

He placed his index finger under my chin and made me look towards him.

"What happened, what make you sad" he asked
Like someone asked little kid who got scolded  by parents.

"Nothing, it's just when I have  fever i just keep rambling what comes in my mind" i replied and don't know why I started crying.

"Oh God" he hurriedly pulled me towards him and hugged.

"Am sorry baby, if I said something bad....." "It's not your fault am used to this "I replied.

He kissed my crown and smiled.

He relived a sigh and said
"Now sleep, i have important meeting  in morning"

"But it's Sunday" I replied

He chuckled and said "but still"

"You are really bad, who the hell goes to office on Sunday" I said.

"Your husband" he replied and chuckled.

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