chapter 6

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Akshi's pov

When we reach at garden we remain silent for sometime and then he said "hy my name is Krityam and I am CEO of V&C co .ltd"in his thick voice
'oh God his voice is so thick!'

"Hy my name is Akshi and I am professor by profession" I said in reply

"How are you?"he asked that was really awkward for me

"Fine" i said softly
Then there is again silence but that silence is really awkward

"So... You want to ask me something?"he asked

I just remain silent for sometime and thinking from where to start . I take a long breathe and said "After marriage am not going to become housewife ."

He open his mouth to say something but I don't let him say a word and said "I really done a lot of hard work to get this job, if you want housewife who makes food and make babies then you are at wrong place.

I complete my lecture and raise my head which is looking down till now.
From close he looks more handsome his brown eyes,sharp jaw and stubble really suits him.

Then I notice his mouth is still open

"May I say something ?"he ask with raised eyebrows.

I just nod my head

"Why do you think I will not allow you to done your job.
Am I going to stop my work after marriage?
No right" he said

"Then why do you think I will stop you" he ask again and his eyes show hurt

I don't say anything and look downwards feeling bad.

"I have doubt,so I want to clear that doubt" I said in my defense.

"After marriage i will never invade in your life . I just want to become part of your life.
He said.

I don't have any words to say anything. I think my words get
'May they rest in peace'

"So you are ready for this marriage" i came out of my trance with a voice and look towards the source of voice who have a smile on his face.
'hmmm smile really suits him'

I start feeling hot and look downwards again.

"You are agree for this marriage by your own wish not by pressure of family?" He ask with concern in his eyes.

I just nod my head

Then my brother came and said
"Dii mom is calling you"and he went back.

We both start heading towards hall.

When we are about to reach at all he said with smile "well red color really suits you" and went away.

'but i am wearing white when does he saw me in red?'

My brother came and ask
"Why your face is that much red ?
Do you have fever?"
He ask
Then his words strike in my mind and I started feeling more hot.

I am about to give an answer to him when dad call him and he went to dad.

I put my both palms on cheeks and try to make them normal.

"Come child" said aunty and then I also came and sit beside her .

She talk with me for some time and then uncle came and said
"Let's go now it's getting late"

Aunty nod her head and bid her good bye to mom and dad .

Then uncle said "child think about your decision with cool mind and no one is going to force you" he said with small smile.

When they are going Krityam look towards me and pass a small smile.

I also smile in reply

Then they went away mom and dad came inside and I also went to my room and lay down and don't know when I go to my Dreamland..

Krityam's Pov

When we reach at garden I introduce myself to start conversation .

She also introduce herself and remain silent looking downward
'is this grass looks more better than me?'

I look at her and her face is really red by now

I ask her if she want to ask me something
Then she said she don't want to become housewife and make babies at home .

I just about to say but she again cut me off again and start blabbing .
When she stop she look directly towards me 'finally'

Then I ask her why i don't allow her 'feeling hurt'

She again look downward

Then I tell her I just want to become part of her life.

Then her brother call her don't they wait for some time we just start our conversation
'mood spoiler'

Then we head towards hall and i told her red looks good and she look at me with confusion
I let her solve her mystery and head towards where my dad and soon to be father-in -law was sitting .

We talk for some time and then we all get up and head where ladies are sitting

Dad tell mom about heading towards home mom nodded and get up.

Then dad told her to take decision with cool mind

'he really want me to get married or not ?
I have doubt now'
I shook my head .

When I was about to sit in car i look at her and pass a smile
She also pass smile to me.

Then we head towards home and on my face have a big smile.

"Who is the reason of this smile" my dad ask in teasing tone.

"Your soon to be daughter-in-law"
I said with smile

"So this is yes from your side"ask my mom

"A big YES mom"i reply

"Her parents also likes you" mom said

"Now everything depends on Akshi"my dad said

And i nod my head in response
'God please she just accept this proposal'

I drive in silence and mom and dad talk about Akshi
I must say they really like her.

We reach home by 8

As soon as I enter in my room
My secretary call me and tell me about meeting which is early in the morning tomorrow

So I decided to sleep early and i lay down on bed and think about her
'soon she is going to be here and we both are going to be share this bed and everything in this room.
I have to clear my walk in closet for her.
Am I not thinking too much?
She don't even say yes'

"Now I am becoming mad"

'Stop thinking too much about her' i scold myself and soon sleep engulf me..

Hey guys!
I hope you all are safe and happy.
And thank you so much for reading this story.

And my big special thanks to

If there is any mistake please cope with it

Again thanks and take care ❤️❤️

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