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"Min Yoongi, right?" Jin asked with his usual gentle voice and a soft smile making Yoongi a little comfortable.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you," Yoongi says politely.

"Same here," Jin said. "So.. You'll be staying here, choose whatever room you like for the time being."

"Umm... Alright?" Yoongi said and cursed at himself in his minds as he was insanely socially awkward person but sighed in relief when Jin giggled.

"Yoo I'm here my friend," Namjoon said, putting his arm on Yoongi's shoulder but froze when he looked to who Yoongi was talking to.

Damn, he's beautiful

"Where are the others?" Yoongi asked, fighting the urge to smirk seeing his best friend looking intrigued by the Kim Seokjin who's just standing in front of them looking through some documents.

"Th- They were at the cafe nearby," Namjoon said and shook his head to make himself look anywhere else other than the beautiful man in front of him.

"Okay," Yoongi said.

"I know that you already know but these are the documents of all the profiles of people who have been murdered and all the things which can be an evidence, it's a copy for you all to see it whenever you want," Jin said after he was done checking the document and gave it to Yoongi.

"Thank you," Yoongi said and bowed slightly.

"Don't be so formal with me, we can all be friends if you like," Jin said with a small smile. "Oh, I didn't acknowledge your presence, I'm Jin."

"It's alright, I already know your name though," Namjoon said and smiled back flashing his dimples.

"Do you want to know more?" Jin asked playfully, not expecting any certain reaction from the other.

"Yes," Namjoon said and his eyes went wide realising what he said. "I-I mean w-we can be good f-friends," Namjoon quickly added, clearly flustered.

Jin laughed, "Yeah, maybe we can be really good friends," He said.

"I'm.... Just gonna go get them here," Yoongi said but his voice went unnoticed as they were so into.... Whatever they were talking about.

Maybe Namjoon wouldn't be too shy this time after all

Yoongi was just about to go outside the house when he collided with something or someone, who was probably running as they both fell down feeling pain in their noses and heads. Colliding someone with almost the same height with you isn't exactly a nice experience.

They both groaned. "Can't you see where you're going?" Yoongi asked, feeling annoyed as he rubbed his aching head.

"Excuse me, you were also the one who wasn't seeing where you were going and for your information I know exactly where I'm going, thank you very much," The other person said, getting up.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, just what he needed, a person with a bitchy attitude. "I don't want to deal with you right now," Yoongi said and got up.

"Then you're lucky because I don't either," The other rolled his eyes and went inside the house. "Hyunggg I was searching for you everywhere," He said, making Yoongi surprised, he was being so freaking rude a few seconds ago and now talking like a very soft and cute person.

"Yeah, why Jiminie?" Jin asked with a soft look on his face. He looks like an older brother who's listening to jis baby brother.

"Chief was calling you," Jimin said, looking like a lost puppy. Jin ruffled his hair and chuckled.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jin said, knowing well enough when Jimin uses that look.

"I... Wanted to ask for a favour," Jimin said, giving puppy eyes.

"Let's go to the headquarters first," Jin said. "I'll talk to you later, it was nice meeting you."

"Same here," Namjoon said, smiling softly as Jimin and Jin left. He went towards Yoongi who was still standing. "What?"

"Nothing, just collided with a jerk," Yoongi said and smiled sarcastically.

"Umm.... Ok?" Namjoon said, which sounded more like a question

"Yooo we're back!" Seungmin said, cheerfully. Yoongi and Namjoon turned and saw Taehyung and Changbin, talking and drinking hot chocolate while walking behind him.

"Welcome back."

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