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RI?? Here? Goodness!!! Even before I could confirm her presence Shera pounced on her and took her in a soulful hug. His happiness, relief and love for her could be clearly seen on his face. He reminds me of the mystical bird Chakor, symbol of intense selfless passionate love, who has finally achieved his chand , beautiful & pure from heart . I juz wish them togetherness for eternity. Never in my life had I seen Shera this distraught nor this elated. Thank you, oh death defeating mother Kali !!! Thank you for bringing Ri & thus Shera's happiness back . Now just bless us to defeat that monster. Jay Maa kali!!!
Oh my god!!I can't believe Riyu is in my arms now. I...I ....I just tightened my hold on her. She is the best thing that happened to me. The best I could get . I don't know what to say, to do, god!! Thank you maa!! I never believed in God! Because he never listened to me, never fulfilled my wishes but u did & y not? Afterall u are no God! U are mother. Mother of the entire universe. & No matter what a mother always listens to her Child's suffering & eradicates it. Thank u Maa!! Thank u so much!! (sobbing)
RI: I am fine Arjun Sir. I'm fine. ( patting & rubbing his back the in soothing manner)
I juz nodded my head and released her .. undesirablely.
Juz as I released her Shree & Chotu pounced and hugged her . I know they love her too much ....& me too. It really is
surprising & shocking to see that these two who don't even get a case detail properly even on explaining , do understand such a complex man like me & composite emotion like love. I am truly fortunate to be blessed with such wondrous people . I'm bewitched by Ri. How can't I be? Afterall she is a soceress , soceress of my life. If she haven't written that letter I won't have returned & definitely would have missed such incredible friends , astounding juniors and a chance to an enchanting 'not related by blood but by heart family💞'. I can't even express my gratitude to her .. bcoz there aren't enough words to describe it .
RI: Okay!Okay!!I'm sorry!! But I did what my duty demanded. U can't scold me for that .( Cute pout)
Oops seems Ms. Cute pout is getting scolding from her SamRan bros. Good. She needs some scolding but not now. She still needs to recover .
PUR: OKAY! Enough scolding for one day. She needs to recover guys . If u seniors permit can we take her back to her favourite place?
Favorite place?The only place where she needs to be present is .....
RI: Oh!! How sweet Purab!! Thank you. I love u . U r the best.
What!! U r so dead Purab!!!
RI:Come on be fast . We have to sign discharge papers & go to Home! Sweetest Home!!(dreamy look)
This girl can't survive without drama .
PUR: Sorry to burst ur bubble of dreams but we are going to ICU...where u always get admitted after some idiotic stunt of urs. Even I'm thinking to book a permanent ICU room here for u..RIYA'S ICU.Seeing u are so regular in visits, they might offer some discounts. What say everyone?
Sam chuckled while all others laughed. Oh!! Don't give me that "damsel in distress" look. I'm never gonna say a no to ICU when u are ill. So the best thing that I did is turn my face in another direction as if searching for someone.
We all with some light laughs moved in and admitted her in ICU.
RI:Ok! So what are we all gonna do with Sikandar?
VRU: U mean we all?Not u.
LIZ: U are resting here , no work stress nothing .
RI: But..
AYE: Non-negotiable..
BUL: & to ensure ur safety special commandos already appointed.
RI:Guys plz ...plz plz Lemme help ..Arjunnnnn!!!(puppy face & eyes)
Hm!!Only this was left. She knows I can't say a no to this face . Fine!!
ARJ:Fine!! U will help us from here . U will coordinate the team . Gotcha?
RI: Aye aye captain ( mock salute)
KAR:None would say that she has just returned from the mouth of death . Nautanki!!
SAM:k!! Now action time. Everyone knows what to do or do we need to revise.
ARJ:SAM!! We aren't kids going for exam . We are going for an encounter . Behave!!
Everyone move now .
(All move out except Arjun)
He moves towards Riya and holds her hand. She looks at him and smiles the brightest smile of the world, a smile that has all the warmth love care & trust in it, a smile that can melt iron and rocks. As if sensing Arjun's unsaid insecurities and doubts ,she says
"Ant mein jeet aap hin ki hogi😌"
It's just a simple line with 7 words but still is the most powerful sentence in the universe bcoz it has a person's undeterred trust in another person's capability embedded in it.
Arjun smiled , leaned in & kissed her forehead.
RI: Return hale & hearty.
ARJ: I will ....for u.(whispers the last part)

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