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What's happening with me ?Was I so engrossed in my insecurities and guilt that I failed to register my surroundings and the people around me ?The ACP RAWTE failed to notice the plight of my childhood bff , karan who was suffering the loss of his father . I instead of being his pillar of support was busy in my own life.Wait!!KULDEEP UNCLE was CBI secret agent killed by that ba****d .He was a father figure to me that man killed him as well. Now I don't juz wanna kill him but award him with a torturous death.I can feel myself loosing control which is not good . My inner beast once out can't be reigned. CONTROL!! CONTROOLL!! CONTROL ARJUN!!Suddenly those words "THINK LIKE ACP RAWTE " flashed in my memory & I can feel myself calming down.I don't know how those words calmed me. Uffff!!!! My life has turned into a roller coaster ride. But I have to regain control I can't let that man win by playing with my emotions ,I can't let my guards down for sure but I have to protect everyone around me & this time I will do it without fail because I'm not alone ."I'M ALWAYS THERE FOR U ,ALWAYS !!" My eyes drifted from the road and I saw my reflection in the rear view mirror,a smile was playing on my lips.WHAT!! How can I smile on juz by thinking about her words? And why do I feel its her?I surely need an appointment with a psychiatrist .Karan's voice brought me out of my thoughts.


I shook my head in disbelief by looking at his expression .

VRU: WhAts the joke ARJ ? Say it so that we can smile oopsie laugh .Bcoz if u r smiling then it means normal humans would laugh on it.

KA:.Come on say it.

AR:Nothing IDIOT!! Concentrate on driving.

KA: Laughing alone is a punishable offence my lord. PLease bol na !(puppy face)

Seriously he is giving me puppy face !He looks so funny !!More than a puppy he looks like an american monkey !!God!!.

VR:Hey teach me how do u make that monkey face ?

How did she read my thoughts ? I must appreciate her observatory skills.

KA:Excuse me !!

VR: Excused .

KA: That was a puppy face for ur info. & all the girls go gaga for it . But how would u know about it female monkey?Because to identify u need to have eyes .

MY friend she has eyes its juz that u don't know the diff. between monkey and puppy.& What sort of girls would go gaga over this face?

VR: I have eyes thats Y I could identify u doofus!!

KA: Don't call me that u NAKCHADI!!

& the banter goes on.I think I will prefer keeping these two idiots with me so that I don't have to pay for entertainment package . By this I will also be able to protect them.


I never thought my truth of being a cop will come across Arjun like this . But I'm happy and satisfied with his reaction. His eyes told me that he understood me and my reasons of not revealing the truth and my pain.I wanted to apologies but then I saw his hollow and blank eyes and understood he doesn't want to talk about this that's why I let it go.

Now my utmost concentration is on road . I knew about Arjun's wife and my dad's death but chose to silently support him because I know he has lost his belief in everything after her death .Although he is not responsible for it still he blames himself for evrything. I know that his insecurities made him quit ETF. But I can't question him. IDK what he must me feeling.Left alone in time of need by our loved ones hurts more than their demise.

THEN A LIMERENCE ...NOW MY LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now