Chapter Five

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Kiki's POV:

We rode around our local area after having our items picked up and having gas been pumped in our SUV and gas tank. We had plenty to make it home. Trust and Believe, we always had the necessities should anything happen while we were out.

Jermaine: " What are you thinking about, baby?" He asked me turning the radio down while driving.

I turned to face him as I was just looking and observing our surroundings.

Kiki: " Food." I said and my stomach growled on cue.

Jermaine: " You got it, my love." He said chuckling a bit. He smiled and he pulled into our favorite restaurant's drive through.

He knew just what to order and he paid for it. Then we pulled into a parking spot after getting our food. The workers got their food while they were here since they already had been paid.

Kiki: " Thank you, baby." I said and he gave me a kiss.

Jermaine: " I don't mind doing anything for you, baby."

I sipped my iced water and we prepared our freshly tossed chef salad and we ate together after praying over the food. Jermaine put the empty food boxes in the bag and threw them out in the trash bin right in front of us, then he grabbed his other bag from the back to look inside of it and he was just making sure we had what we needed in case we were going to be out longer. He put the bag in the back seat of our SUV.

Jermaine: " Ready to Go, Mama?" He asked me.

Kiki: " I sure am, Daddy."

I gave him a kiss and he put the vehicle in gear and we headed back home as we've been out all day. I'm sure we'd continue our adventures later. But we were tired and we needed to make those phone calls and I wanted to stretch before going to bed. Plus the workers need to get some rest so they can tend to the household needs and to their duties.

We finally got home and the workers grabbed the stuff from the car and I grabbed my purse and my sweet man helped me out and into the house. We locked the front door because all our workers came in from the other door.

Kiki: " I love you so much."

Jermaine: " I love you more, baby. Let's get changed so we can get comfortable and stretch out."

He lead me to our suite and we got out the dirty clothes from today and we threw them in our personal laundry basket. Then took our shower and cleaned each other off since we both were extremely sweaty and we dried off and put on matching pajama sets. Jermaine turned some music on and I laid in his arms in our lounge chair. We love doing this every once and awhile now to bond and just have our moment together to just unwind before we hit those bed sheets. He lifted my chin and caressed my cheeks. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes and he kissed me slowly and sweetly. Then I laid my head on his chest just to lay there and listen to his heart beat as it matched my own. He hummed to the music with me and then we both got up and yawned when we were tired and we laid down and went straight to bed. We've done a lot and accomplished a lot these past few days. Now tomorrow our goal is to reach out to our children and try to get everyone together asap.

The next morning, I woke up before my hubby and I got showered first and put on my house robe which was silk and custom made. It had Mrs. Jermaine Jackson sewn on it and I had my house shoes on and my bandana. I didn't want to get dressed til after my husband was showered and dressed.

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