Mad World

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Scott's P.O.V
Me, Liam, Lydia and Stiles were talking about Katnice.

Lydia:So Katnice came back from the dead and now she is killing people.



Stiles:Sort of.

Scott:She is the original tribrid. She always had vampire blood in her veins. We know that to be turned in a vampire you'll have to die with vampire blood in your system. She died and woke up as a full tribrid. And apparently she is helping Kate.

Stiles:Or Kate is using her to protect herself.

Liam:And now Katnice kills people for no reason?

Scott :Kinda

Stiles:From what we've learned after she found out that her father died she turned off her humanity.

Scott :And turning of your humanity makes you a person with no emotions.

Stiles:She doesn't care for anothing. She kills whatever she sees.

Scott:And that's what we have to stop. We have to stop her and bring her back.

Liam:But she said if you try to change her she'll kill whoever you love.

Scott :Yes. But we'll do it without her knowing.

Lydia:And how you are gonna do that?

Stiles: By accepting her new self.

Katnice's P.O.V
Nightime, it's raining. I was standing with a young boy outside a closed shop. We were kissing. I slowly move down to his neck and then I put my fangs in it. I had compelled him not to scream and not move. I take my fangs off his neck and fondle his face. I smile at him.

Voice:So now you kiss others too?

I turn and look at Scott.

Katnice :Only when I want to use them.

He gets closer.

Scott :I've thought of it. I like you Katnice. You are better than the Katnice I knew all this time.

I smile at him and get closer.

Katnice :You really think that?

He nodds. I kiss him. Then I walk backwards towards the young boy.

Katnice:Then I guess I don't need him anymore.

I grab the boy and snap his neck. Scott's reaction makes me believe that he has accepted the new me. I smiled at him.

Katnice:Cmon let's go.

He followed me. We went to my house.

Katnice:Cmon in.

Kate:Katnice is that you?

Katnice :Yes but not by myself.

Kate comes and sees Scott.

Kate:Well hello Scott.

Scott :Hello Kate.

Katnice:Come upstairs.

We go upstairs and I sit on my bed.

Scott:So you live with Kate?

Katnice :Yes. She helped me get through my father's death.

Scott :But you know she almost killed you and me.

Katnice:Yeah but turned out to be really nice. What you don't like her?

Scott :No no. I like her.

I smile at him. I grab him and put him on the bed.

Katnice:I missed you.

I kiss him.

Scott :So you kill someone every night?

Katnice :What do you mean?

Scott:Do you feel something when you kill them?

Katnice:Except from desire for more killing?

Scott :Yes

Katnice :Wait are you here to ask me this or have you really accepted me?

Scott:I've accepted you.

Katnice :Huh. Wait a sec. I'll be back in a minute. Oh and listen to this new song I found.

I give him my headphones.

Katnice:Listen. Later I will ask you what the song was about.

I go downstairs.

Katnice:Kate, you think it was right to bring Scott here?


Katnice:And why's that?

Kate:Cause I don't trust him. And you shouldn't either. Listen I know Scott and so are you. He became a true alpha. He hasn't killed anyone and you expect him to accept you the serial killer.

Katnice:Oh I'm flattered. And yes you might be right.

Kate:It might be a trick. I heard you talking and his questions were suspicious. I mean he asked you if you feel anything when you kill people. He apparently wants to change you.

I think of it.

Katnice:That jerk! It will not pass like that. But no. Let him think that I believed him. Then I'll take my revenge.

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