You Think You Can Fool Me? (Part 1)

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Katnice's P.O.V
I go upstairs and I see that Scott is gone. Logically he heard me and Kate talking and then he left. I go downstairs to find Kate.

Katnice :He's gone. He heard us talking. Oh I'm not gonna let him walk away like that. I'll take my revenge now!

I rush outside. I can hear Kate calling my name but I'm so furious that I only care for payback.

Scott's P.O.V
We are at my house.

Stiles :You left. You really thought it was a good idea to leave?

Scott :Yes. She wanted me to hear a song. Then she would ask me about that song.

Stiles:And what did you do?

Scott :I heard their conversation instead of hearing the song.

Stiles:Great now she is gonna kill all of us.

Scott :I heard her. She wants to take revenge. She understood our plan. She would eventually take her revenge.

Liam:What if you told her that your mom called and you had to go home?

Scott :And then she'll ask me why I didn't leave from the front door.

Stiles :You'll say that you didn't want to distract them from their revenge conversation.

I saw Lydia rolling her eyes.

Scott :Cmon guys think. How are we gonna bring Katnice back and stay everyone alive?

Lydia:We can't. Katnice is smart. She'll understand that we're trying to change her.

Liam:I think we have to find her weaknesses. Then make a plan.

Lydia:At the school library there's a bestiary. Maybe in there has the answer we are looking for.

Stiles:I'll go.

We all look at each other, thinking.

Stiles's P.O.V
I am I'm the school library. I look in the beastiary for the chapter about vampires. I find it. I see a text about humanity.

When vampires are full of grief they have to choose between suffer and turning off their humanity. If they choose the second one is difficult to come back to their old self. They must turn their humanity on with strong emotions.

I see this text and then call Scott. He's not picking up so I leave a message in his voice mail.

Stiles:Hey Scott, it's Stiles. I found a way to bring Katnice back. It's all about emotions.

I turn off my phone and walk out of the school towards my car. Suddenly I hear something. I turn but there's nothing. Only darkness. I keep walking, faster this time. I hear it again. I start running. I pull out my keys to open my car door. I hear someone behind me and I turn.

Katnice:Oh Stiles.. You shouldn't have come alone.

Scott's P.O.V
It's been two hours. After I got the voice message from Stiles he disappeared. He is not answering his phone.

Liam:Where he might be?

Scott:I don't know.

Liam:Do you think Katnice is involved?


I think of it.

Scott:Let's go


Scott:His house. If he's not answering then we'll find him by scent.

We arrive at his house. We go in his room. There we see Lydia.

Scott :Lydia?

Lydia:Where's Stiles?

Scott :I don't know. We came hear to catch a smell and then find him.

Lydia:You mean he's missing.


Lydia:Have you told his father?

Scott:Yes. Everyone in the sheriff's station are looking for him.

Liam:We think Katnice took him.

Lydia:That's bad. That's really bad.


Lydia:I came here cause a voice told me too.

Liam:Wait. You here voices when someone is about to die. Not kidnapped.

Me and Lydia are looking at Liam and then each other.

Stiles's P.O.V
I woke up in a cold place. I was tied in a chair. Then the door opened.

Katnice:Hello Stiles

Stiles:What do you want?

Katnice:Stiles don't question the obvious. You knew I was about to take revenge.

Stiles :And now what. You are gonna kill me?

Katnice:Oh it's not that simple Stiles. I want Scott to suffer.

Stiles:Why? You love Scott. You always loved him.

Katnice:Shut up. Don't talk to me about him. I hate him. He thought he could fool me. Now he'll suffer. Watching you suffer.

She walks to the door.

Stiles :So that's your plan. You'll make Scott see me suffer.

Katnice :No. Not yet.

She smiles and walks outside.

Scott's P.O.V
We are at the school parking lot, next to Stiles's jeep.

Liam:There was clearly a fight here. There's blood on the ground.

Scott :Stiled's blood?

Liam:I don't know

Katnice:Well. My plan works perfect.

Scott :Katnice. I swear if you hurt Stiles I'm gonna..

Katnice:Do what Scott? Kill me? Well you'll have to catch me first.

She gets on the roof of the school with her vamp speed. She laughs. Then she comes down and pushes me on the ground.

Katnice:You can't beat me Scott. I'm the powerful tribrid. And you.. You Scott are a werewolf.

Liam pushes her.

Liam: He's and alpha. A true alpha.

Katnice attacks Liam, grabs him from the neck and puts him against Stiles's jeep. Then she bites her wrist and puts her blood in Liam's mouth. She moves her hand and Liam disappears.

Scott :No! What did you do with Liam?

I grab her from the neck. She laughs.

Katnice:Wait and see.

Then she disappears. I'm left alone in the empty school parking lot.

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